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I’m sure he does since the clients he’s referring to must be Austin and Theo Hayes. They’re probably better than my dad’s, but only by a little since his studio is up for another Best Picture award. Not that it really makes any difference. I don’t care where I sit, and I can’t take Tyson up on his offer no matter how tempted I am.

Tyson: Stop thinking about it so hard and tell me you’ll come with me.

I wait until I’m dropped off at the studio before calling him because I don’t want the driver to overhear our conversation. He might be driving me around town, but his first loyalty lies with my dad.

Tyson picks up in the middle of the first ring. “You’d better be calling to say yes.”

“I’m sorry, but I can’t. It’s just not possible.”

Tyson doesn’t let me finish my explanation before he adds, “If it’s an issue with finding a dress, I can ask Nicole Hayes to set you up with her stylist. I know it’s short notice, but since she’s up for Best Actress the designers are willing to bend over backwards to help her right now.”

He’s being incredibly sweet, and it makes it even more difficult for me to turn him down. Taking a deep breath, I force the words out on a soft whisper, “Tyson, this isn’t something you can fix. I’m already attending with—”

“Someone other than me,” he finishes for me in a gritty tone.

“Yes, but—” I try to explain that I’m going with my dad, but he cuts me off and clips out, “I guess I’ll see you there. Sorry, but I have a call on the other line I’ve got to take.”

Before I know what’s happening, there’s dead air in my ear. That didn’t go anything like I expected, but at least he’ll figure it out when he sees me with my dad at the Oscars in two days.

Chapter 4


I’m still stewing over my conversation with Colette several hours after hanging up. For days I’ve had no response to any of my messages, then I finally get her to text me back and it’s to tell me she’s got a fucking date.

I felt bad about the way I hung up on her though. But, I knew if I stayed on the line, I might say something I would regret. So, I sent her a text apologizing and she was sweet about it.

Typical Colette. It’s something I figured out very fast just from our brief meeting. She is pure sweetness, and it is becoming clear that I have a severe sweet tooth.

The thought of another man being anywhere near her is hard enough, but knowing some asshole is actually her date? It’s enough to make me homicidal. I’m obsessing over who it is, and my plan to hide their body, when a knock at my door forces me to stop brooding.

I look up to see Nicole Hayes, the blonde, blue-eyed movie star, standing in the doorway to my office. Immediately, I glance behind her expecting to see Austin since her husband is practically her shadow.

“He does let me out of the house on my own occasionally, Ty,” she says drily.

I grin and raise an eyebrow. She huffs and rolls her eyes. “Okay, so he was filming a scene without me and I snuck off.” She narrows her eyes and points her finger at me in warning. “Don’t be a tattletale.”

“Me?” I gasp, placing my hand over my heart as though I’m wounded. “Never.”

Nicole laughs and walks to one of the chairs situated in front of my desk.

“What can I do for you, Nicole?” I ask with a genuine smile. I grew up with the Hayes brothers, so I’m close with them and the amazing women they married.

“I got a call about a movie and since Sarah is on vacation, I came to you.”

I frown and tap a finger on the glass desktop. “They called you directly?” This is something I take a very hard stance on. In order to keep my clients from being bombarded and hassled, all offers and requests are required to be presented through their agent. “Does Austin know?”

Nicole gave me a wry look. “Of course, and he is practically in a rage over it. I thought it might be best to have you handle it before he burns the place down and gets himself thrown in jail.”

I shake my head in bewilderment. “It is so weird to hear someone say something like that about him.” Austin is one of the most laid back, funny guys I’ve ever met. Until he met his wife. When it comes to her, he is an overprotective son of a bitch. I used to give him so much shit about it but now that I’ve met Colette, I probably owe him an apology. Not that he’ll ever get it.
