Page 4 of Make Me Love You

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“As in your muscles are hard as stone under that lab coat? Or you stay as hard as stone when you’re…you know.” She grins as she lays back down. “I’ll just have a little nap until it’s time for my x-ray.”

I leave Lila to sleep it off for a few hours before I put in the request for her x-ray. I turn her on her side and tuck a few pillows behind her to keep her from rolling onto her back, then check on her several times. It’s well after midnight when I get the film from the imaging department. I walk back into the exam room and leave the lights low while I have a look. Lila stirs and sits up. “Is it broken?”

I shake my head and smile. “Just a bad sprain.”

“Good.” She rubs her head a little and her stomach growls loudly.

“Forgot to have supper?”

“That’s what I was about to do when I fell.”

“Oh, so you remember falling now?”

“Yes.” Her face turns bright pink. “I also remember thinking you were a gigolo.”

“Don’t worry about it.”

“I’m really sorry. I’m not much of a drinker so it hit me hard today.”

“I could tell.” I give her a little grin. “Listen, let me go scrounge up a bandage and some crutches for you so you can go get some food.”


“Do you want someone to try to reach your friend?”

Lila shakes her head. “No, I’ll just grab a cab back to the resort.”

“Sounds good. I’ll be back in a minute.”

I make my way to the medical supplies closet and find what I need, regret filling me that I’m going to discharge her, and I’ll never get to see her again. But it’s not like I can ask her out. I’m her doctor and she’s my patient. And even if it was okay for me to date her, she’ll be leaving the island in a week, never to return.

When I get back to the room, she’s sitting up on the examining bed, and she gives me a shy smile.

I sit down on the stool and get to work on her ankle, wrapping it as carefully as I can. “I can send you back to the resort with some painkillers but only if you promise no more drinking.”

“I’m done for the week, I think. Today was enough booze for me for a year.”



I stand in front of the hospital, propped up on the crutches Dr. Stone gave me, feeling the warm tropical air against my skin. It’s hard to imagine that it’s almost three o’clock in the morning and yet it’s so hot out. I’ve been waiting for almost twenty minutes for a cab, but there are no signs of one coming. The nurse who called the cab company for me said that they usually take at least an hour at this time of night. My stomach growls loudly, reminding me that I haven’t really eaten a meal since I arrived in the Caribbean. I wonder what kind of food is available at the resort at this hour, if anything. God, I hope it’s French fries.

My mind wanders back to Dr. Stone as it has about a million times since I hobbled my way out of the exam room. He was some kind of hot. And really nice, too. I’m sure he’s probably married or has a gorgeous girlfriend waiting for him back at some fabulous place here on the island. I sigh, thinking about Trey, reminding myself that I’m not one of the beautiful people. Maybe, if I’m really lucky, I’ll find some nice, plain guy who will want to spend his life with me.

The doors to the ER slide open behind me, and I turn in time to see Dr. Stone coming through them, dressed in jeans and a white T-shirt. Oh, God. Do not look at him! It’s like looking at the sun—hot and potentially dangerous.

“Oh, Lila. You’re still waiting for a cab?” he asks, stopping next to me.

“Shouldn’t be long now,” I say, trying to look hopeful.

He stares at me for a moment, then says, ?

?I shouldn’t do this, but I don’t like the idea of you standing out here alone at this hour. Do you want a lift back to the resort?”

“No, I couldn’t put you out like that. I’m sure your wife is waiting up for you. Thanks for the offer though.”

“There’s no one waiting up for me, and I’d like to drive you. Seriously.”
