Page 6 of Hers To Love

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Tommy, David, and Marissa all collectively moaned, “Ah, man.”

Jay pounded on the hood, shouting, “Good luck without me! I am the only reason you’re anything!”

David flexed his jaw and shook his head.

“Better not do that,” he said for their ears only. “I’m warning you.” He gave the car just enough gas to make Jay step away, but not fast enough so that Jay couldn’t resume the position and block the drive.

“I am so done with that galactic loser,” said David.

She wanted to snicker because it wasn’t what she expected to come out of his mouth, but it was more than a little tense in the car. Fortunately, a car behind them honked and attracted Jay’s attention.

“He left dents,” he grumbled. “He’s so getting the bill.” He hit a button and the sound of a phone dialing filled the car.

Barney answered.

“Hey Barn,” said David. “Jay is out here banging on cars. Better have your security come out.” He looked over his shoulder to the backseat. “We good?” he asked Tommy and Marissa.

“Yeah,” they said collectively.

His eyes cut to Cara, and she shivered under his heated gaze. He had to know what he was doing. He’d perfected the you-want-me look.

“Good?” he asked with a touch of wickedness.

“Yeah,” she answered not sure if he was referring to her state of mind of him. Either way she was good—so good.

It was all she said—all she was able to say with him looking at her like that.

Chapter Four


All the way to his house, David relived the after-party, wondering if he came off like a jerk acting too alpha in front of Cara. He had to ask himself if he liked her because she was there and would be under his roof for the night or if it was something else. Something more. She seemed awful sweet. Was definitely sexy.

They were at his place in minutes. David parked right in front of his front door, not bothering with the garage. He was exhausted and just wanted to be inside his home. His friends were pretty beat as well. They basically sleep-walked behind him.

He punched the security code and opened the door. The lights were lit already, but as they entered, more turned on.

“Can I get anybody anything?” he asked.

“Pancakes,” Tommy said.

“Help yourself, dude,” said David. “Ladies?”

Cara shared her phone with Marissa and wasn’t quite paying attention to him. “Sorry,” she said. “Just got a funny text.”

“You’re getting funny texts at nearly four in the morning?” For some stupid reason, he felt jealous.

“Probably her boyfriend,” laughed Tom.

Now he was definitely jealous. “You have a boyfriend?” asked David with a heavy heart.

“Ex-boyfriend,” corrected Marissa.

“Oh,” said David with a smile. “You had a dumb boyfriend. I like him.”

Marissa read the message out loud and in a deep voice to mimic the idiot. “Cut the crap,” she read. “No way you are at a party with Jay Seeger or David Hansen.” Marissa showed the phone to David and busted up laughing.

“I like the part where she put ‘do you know who they are?’” David winked.
