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“And you’re so sure?” I test, knowing that when Creed sets his mind to something, there is no way I can dissuade him.

“Of course.” He finishes his drink and pours another before he tips the glass toward me. “You know the girls in this town fall over themselves to get to us.” He’s not lying. Even while we were in our senior year of high school, we had a pick of any of the females, and it wasn’t only the students. Married women would proposition us, but what do you expect in a town where money buys everything, and the MILFs are bored housewives with nothing else to do? The husbands were running businesses and traveling, leaving their wives gagging for a good, hard fuck.

And who were we to refuse them?

Tipping my head to the side in interest, I grin. “So, what’s the game?”

“Burning Roses,” he tells me as if he just came up with a cure for cancer.

I rise to full height, meeting my best friend’s gaze. “What?”

“We leave a burning rose on the doorstep of the chosen girl,” he explains easily. “A small card will be left with the rose inviting her to a game of cat and mouse.”

Stalking toward where he’s standing, I stop in front of him, curious but concerned about how this could possibly play out. “And where will this be taking place?”

“In the woods,” Creed says with a shrug. “It’s dark, dangerous, and exciting.”

I grab a tumbler and pour myself a drink. Even though he’s come up with some good ideas in the past, there are times I worry about how his mind works. “What happens when we catch the girl?” I ask. “Because we know those woods better than anyone in this town. There is no way they’ll escape us.”

“That’s the beauty of it.” He tips his glass, clinking it against mine. “They don’t know that, but we do. Once we catch our prey, we’ll devour her.”

“Oh?” Arching a brow in question, I wait for him to explain further. I can’t deny that the idea is a good one, and the heat coursing through my veins at the thought of a hunt like that intrigues me.

“Either we share her on that night, or we each choose our own girl for the next night.”

“And what about the boys?” I ask, knowing there is no way our brothers will sit this out. They’ll want in on the action, and to be fair, I wouldn’t blame them at all.

Creed lifts his tumbler and swigs back his drink before he winks. “We all play the game. Those who want to watch…” He allows his words to filter off into a heavy silence. My cock throbs at the thought, and I find myself nodding before I’ve even voiced my approval. “I knew you’d like it.”

“I do. Perhaps we should have the rest of the guys meet us here. We can sit them down, explain how it works, and I suppose since you came up with the idea, you choose first.” I swallow back my whiskey, enjoying the burn as it slithers down my throat.

Creed is already on his phone when I get mine from my pocket. I hit dial on Cassian’s number when the front door opens, and Finn walks in. He glances to the living room, joining us as I hang up after getting Cass’s voicemail.

Finn settles in the armchair before asking, “What’s going on in here? Looks like a meeting of the minds.”

“Creed’s come up with a bit of entertainment to keep us busy for the next few weeks while I’m home.” Joy walks in before I can say more, her gaze burning a hole through Finn’s head.

“Are you going to have that young girl carry in the alcohol alone?” she bites out, her motherly concern showing, making my chest ache. We lost our mother, and Joy has been a surrogate ever since.

“No, ma Joy, I’m getting up to help her right now,” Finn says, standing, a laugh vibrating in his chest when she tuts. When he returns with three bottles, he sets them down and takes a seat. “So, tell me all about this entertainment.”

“It’s a game of cat and mouse,” Creed explains. “But before I get into it, I want my brothers and Cass here. We can all settle in and decide on our first girl.”

“Jesus, that sounds ominous,” Finn retorts playfully. “But I ain’t sticking my dick anywhere near where my brothers have been, though,” he continues with a chuckle.

“That won’t be a problem,” Creed confirms. “We each choose our own girl when it's our turn, but I mean if you do want to share—” He waggles his eyebrows, and I know this is going to be one hell of a step for all of us. But I don’t doubt it’s going to be intoxicating.
