Page 56 of The Tides of Memory

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“Now, if we’re all seated, before we start I’d like to say a few words.” Lucy’s tinkling, feminine voice rang out around the room. “All of us here tonight have known one another a long time. Arnie and I like to think of this as the Pilgrim Farm family. Every one of you is dear to our hearts. But one member of our party deserves special mention tonight.”

All eyes turned to Alexia, who blushed becomingly at the chorus of “hear, hears.”

“Not content with going into the British Parliament, our very own Mrs. De Vere decided that she should run the whole darn country.”

“And who better?” Teddy chuckled, beaming with pride.

“Who indeed? So as well as a welcome-home party, tonight we would like to say a belated congratulations to the lovely Alexia. You may be a rabid Republican—”

“Conservative,” Alexia corrected.

Lucy’s father had been a politician and her family were all staunch Democrats.

“—but we love you and we could not be more proud. To Alexia!”

“To Alexia!”

Fifteen glasses were raised, the antique crystal clinking and dazzling in the candlelight. During the melee Michael stole a glance at his sister. Roxie’s glass was also raised, but her once-soft face was set like flint. Michael thought sadly, You could strike a match off her rage. There’s murder in those eyes.

“Sorry I’m late.”

Everyone looked up. A tall, dark girl had walked into the room during the toast, dropping her backpack with a thud on the wooden floor. She wore a simple pair of faded Levi’s and a white T-shirt, the neck scooped low enough to show the tan lines from her bikini. Her long mane of chestnut hair was tied back in a ponytail and her makeup-free face glowed with health and youth, despite her obvious tiredness. She was, quite simply, stunning.

“Summer, darling!” Arnie Meyer stood up to hug his daughter.

“At last.” Lucy clapped her hands “Come and sit down, sweetheart, over here. You’re next to Michael.”

Summer blushed and shot her mother a look. Talk about mortifying! Lucy had all but patted the chair!

“Aren’t you going to say hello?”

“Hi.” Summer nodded awkwardly at Michael. “It’s been awhile.”


He wanted to say something suave, but he was too busy picking his jaw up from the table. Bloody hell. If Arnie hadn’t said her name out loud, I wouldn’t even have recognized her.

“Are you on the island for long?” Summer asked Michael politely.

“Erm . . . I, erm . . .”

“Unfortunately not.” Alexia answered for him, telling the table at large: “Michael’s just founded a new business back in England. We feel lucky he was able to make it out at all, don’t we, Teddy?”

“Hmm.” Teddy grunted disapprovingly.

“He has to fly back in a couple of days.”

“Well, I . . . not necessarily,” Michael stammered. His eyes were fixed on Summer’s cheekbones and translucent, bronzed skin. And her lips, soft and the palest of pinks, parting invitingly as she took a sip of chilled white wine. Had she always had those lips? Why had he

never noticed them before? “I might be able to stay a bit longer. Tommy can hold the fort for a while. You know. If necessary.”

“Really?” Alexia brightened. Having Michael here made everything so much easier at home. “That’s wonderful. Are you sure you can spare the time?”

“Of course, Mum. Anything for you.”

Roxie De Vere wondered how her brother managed to keep a straight face.

Later, in the kitchen, Alexia helped Lucy prepare coffee.
