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But I did. I wanted him to see the real me. Not the put-together version of myself everyone sees, but who I am when everything insignificant and temporary is stripped away.

“Give me a chance to make it right.” His calloused fingers brush across my cheek.

I can only nod in agreement.

He leans his head, brushing his lips across mine.

My lips tingle where his tentatively touch. A burst of energy spreads through my lower stomach, but I pull my head away to look into his eye

s. “You want to risk everything? For real?”

“I’m risking nothing for everything. It’s different.”

Well, how can I reply to that?

Jax saves me, pressing his lips to mine. The warmth from my stomach spreads across my body as he traces the seam of my mouth with his tongue. The very tongue that takes ownership of me, consuming all my doubts about our connection.

One of his hands loops around my waist while the other grips the back of my head. Our breathing becomes erratic as our kissing grows desperate, with teeth grazing one another in our haste.

His hand dips to my butt before he tugs me flush against him. I moan into his mouth when his erection presses into my stomach. He nips at my lower lip before he pulls away. “I want you so bloody much, I don’t know where to begin.”

My fingers trail up his chest, eliciting the slightest rumble from his chest. “I have an idea,” I whisper before I grip the back of his neck and tug him toward my lips. Our lips collide as I tear down the last mental barrier between us.

Desire grows within me as we kiss to the point of oxygen deprivation. Jax groans as he tears his lips away, darting his tongue across the swollen flesh. He clutches onto my hand and grabs my phone from the piano stand before dragging me through the halls and up the stairs toward his bedroom.

I remain silent until he closes his bedroom door. “So, this is it.”

He flashes me a wicked smile that liquifies my insides. “No. This has only just begun.”

I back into the bed as he places my phone on the dresser. He slowly walks toward me, prowling like a predator, with his gaze burning me from the inside out. The dim lighting peeking through his window offers us some guidance.

He grips the hem of my sweater before tugging it off, revealing my cotton bra. Cue Justin Timberlake’s “SexyBack.”

Jax’s eyes remain on my chest. I attempt to cross my arms, but he swats them out of the way. He unclips the bra and chucks it over his shoulder.

“Fuck that shyness. You’re beautiful.” His fingers grip the waistband of my leggings and drag them down slowly, making me shiver as his warm fingers trail across my skin.

I’m left in nothing but my underwear with little polka dots. Before I have a chance to comment, Jax lifts me and places my ass on the bed. He parts my legs and stands between them.

Jax kisses me lazily as his fingers skim the inside of my thighs. He cups the area begging for his attention.

I grip onto his shoulders as he pushes the cotton to the side. His finger traces my slit before pressing against my clit, my body jolting at his touch. A moan escapes me as he spreads my arousal. “You’re a responsive little thing for me, aren’t you?” His eyes brighten as he continues his slow torture on my bundle of nerves.

He inserts a finger into me as his lips find the hollow of my neck. “I wonder what noises you’ll make when I fuck you with my tongue. Are you a moaner? Screamer? Or the silent type who has yet to experience an earth-shattering orgasm?”

“Earth-shattering?” I giggle into his chest.

My taunt isn’t taken nicely. He pushes me down to the mattress, the heat from his body warming me everywhere. “That better be the last time you laugh when I’m finger-fucking you.” His thumb applies more pressure on my clit as he steals my gasp with his lips.

His lips make a journey from my lips to my nipple. He tugs sharply. Pain radiates before pleasure takes hold, with Jax licking the area he grazed. His fingers pump into me in unison.

My back arches off the mattress as he sucks on the sensitive skin around my breast. He takes his time on a spot before moving on, his skill and attention bringing about another surge of pleasure.

Red marks bloom wherever his lips linger. I grow more impatient as Jax slowly pumps into me, not pushing me over the edge.

“Are you going to hold true to your promise or are you going to continue to torture us both?” My breathless words fill the silence.

“Torturing you is my favorite pastime.” He smiles at me.
