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Why had she been chosen for this job? he wondered Was she bait, designed to bring him back to the Sheikh—chosen for her particular type of beauty to ensnare him as women had ensnared men since the beginning of time?

Should he test her out? Kiss her now? Quell his anger and frustration at her revelation by losing himself in the softness of her lips? But love making would distract him from this curious dilemma he found himself in

Ever since he had ordered her out of his office his thoughts had been in turmoil, and it was not a state he usually experienced He despised being at the mercy of such feelings—but it was as if a silent and very necessary battle was taking place inside him.

The cold, calculating side of his character was telling him that there was no point discovering a father at this stage in his life—even if her bizarre claim should turn out to be true, which he doubted He didn't need a father

He had made a success of his life and he had done it on his own terms—it was not in his character to yearn for some kind of reunion More importantly, he foresaw a million complications—both practical and emotional—should he choose to pursue this line of action

Yet her astounding revelation had awoken a curiosity inside him, and he knew that to leave the possibility unexplored would be to leave him with a lasting sense of regret And—as he had already said—he didn't do regret

And wasn't there an added enticement which would make the trip worthwhile'? The thought of bedding the delectable Laura Cottmgham, who was doing her best to pretend she wasn't interested! Xavier gave a slow, steady smile of anticipation

'You are right,' he said slowly 'I can do as I please—within reason I have never in my life received such an intriguing invitation issued by such an irresistible woman—how could any man refuse if? So you can lose the look of anxiety which is tightening those pretty lips and relax, cherie—for I will return to Kharastan with you'

For a moment Laura could hardly believe what she was hearing—she had been so convinced that he would do the opposite

I'm very pleased,' she said, aware that it was a ridiculous word to use—but her relief was tempered by a prickly awareness that she was dealing with a man who spelt danger, and that was sending her thoughts haywire

'I expect you are,' he said coolly, because he needed to maintain control in this extraordinary situation— and in order to do that he needed to keep her guessing She must be in his power She would be his to control and his to command 'But I am not there yet, so I suggest you contain your excitement until then '

Laura nodded 'A car will pick you up at nine-thirty tomorrow morning and take you to the airfield, if that suits?'


‘Itdoesnt? ’

Xavier allowed himself a smile—a devilish curve of his lips which hinted at a wicked kind of pleasure His peers at La Bourse—Pans's famous stock exchange, built by Napoleon himself—would have trembled if they had seen that smile.

'Non I do not think you understand how I operate, cherie. You will not dictate a time nor a place nor a method of travelling,' he demurred silkily 'You will fit in with me '

I'm not quite sure I understand,' said Laura unsteadily

It is quite simple I intend to arrange my own transport to Kharastan '

Laura stared at him 'But that's crazyl' she protested 'The Sheikh has a luxury aircraft ready and waiting to fly you there at a moment's notice '

'You think I am tempted by luxury aircraft? ‘

'No, of course not I didn't—'

‘I will not be beholden to the Sheikh,' interjected Xavier 'These are my terms, and either you accept them or you return empty-handed—for I will not compromise and neither will I change my mind '

The steely glint of determination in his eyes told Laura that he meant it, and there was a pause as she looked at him speechlessly Because what could she say? He had her over a barrel, and he knew it 'But there's no direct flight to Kharastan,' she pointed out 'It could take ages to pickup connections '

His eyes mocked her 'You think I fly on scheduled airline

s? I will use the charter company that I always use. At least I can entrust them with my life '

'And what's that supposed to mean?'

'Think about it If I am, as you say, the son of the Sheikh—then surely it is in the interests of more than one member of his family to wish me harm '

She wanted to tell him that people didn't think or act like that—until she remembered the dizzying array of events which had led her to this bizarre moment, and suddenly anything seemed possible

But it was not the imagined threat of physical danger which had set Laura's senses tingling with fear—but the real and present risk of being in this man's presence Of this terrible, almost aching awareness of his powerful sensuality

Xavier's eyes narrowed as they raked over her face So pure, he thought So white So wary He felt his loins tighten. 'What is the matter, cheire? he mocked softly 'You look nervous '
