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'Perhaps because we are paid to ask them, not to answer them I'm the Sheikh's international legal advisor That's all you need to know'

'I' ll be the judge of that, cherie' he contradicted softly

Laura met the formidable glint in his black eyes and suddenly some of her composure left her 'We'll we'll be landing soon ' And she couldn't wait Being cooped up in here with him, with the tension growing by the second, was her idea of a nightmare

Laura unsnapped her seat-belt and stood up, wanting to get away from the mesmerising spotlight of his stare and his increasingly probing questions

Acutely aware of his eyes following her every move, she went over to one of the round porthole windows and

stared down at where mountamtops were capped with snow which looked like thick white daubs of paint Oh, please let's just get there, she thought

'So what was the particular talent which made you the successful candidate for this job?' he murmured 'Or can I guess?'

'I told you I'm a lawyer—there are papers I need to witness ' She turned round to see that Xavier had also risen to his feet, and that his eyes were gleaming with something which was fast approaching menace

'Don't play disingenuous,' he drawled It doesn't suit you There are a million lawyers out there who could have done the job, but none that look as good as you Were you chosen for your beauty and your sex- appeal, do you think?'

Sex-appeal? Laura knew that the stylist had worked an almost complete transformation on her physical appearance—but it was hard to change your own view of yourself Because the mirror could lie—every woman knew that How you looked had little to do with how you felt on the inside—particularly for someone who had fought insecurity all her life

She had been the hand-to-mouth daughter of a hard-up mother and then the diligent law student And latterly—with Josh—she had been frigid and uptight Laura, the cash-cow who had been laughably easy to milk and then send on her way Yes, she was wearing a fortune in clothes—but sexy? Her? Never in a million years Not according to Josh, anyway

'Of course I wasn't!' she defended 'I may have been chosen because women have different qualities to men, but my sex-appeal is not only irrelevant but inappropriate to a country like Kharastan '

Was she really naive enough to believe that? he wondered He walked over to the window to stand beside her and looked down into her face, his eyes narrowing in perplexity as he saw that her green eyes were huge and dark in her white face

Women did not usually shrink from him like this, and it was turning him on—deep down he wanted something or someone to lash out at for the unusual situation he unwillingly found himself in And why should it not be her? Don't shoot the messenger, urged a voice inside his head, and Xavier's mouth tightened Ah, non—he wasn't intending to shoot the messenger

'So you reckon it's just some kind of coincidence that they should have appointed a nubile young woman to do the job?' he questioned, his voice edgy with desire

'I don't know,' she whispered, as if she had suddenly come to realise the trap she found herself in.

Backed up against the wall, ostensibly alone on a powerful jet with a powerful man whose whole large and muscular frame emanated a raw kind of sexuality It shimmered from his skin in a hot, almost tangible radiance—so that despite knowing she should be distancing herself, or calling for the stewardess, Laura found herself curiously debilitated, unable to move, or to think, or to

'Don't you?' he whispered back, and touched the tip of his finger to her chin, tilting it upwards and forcing her to meet the piercing black gaze 1 think you do Just as I think that someone told the Sheikh's entourage about those rosebud lips and knew that I would want to do this '

He was lowering his face towards hers, and Laura felt like one of those women in a sci-fi film—zapped into compete immobility by some alien's ray-gun Except it was nothing remotely alien which was freezing her to the spot—it was a feeling as old and human as creation itself, even though it had never hither quite like this before Xavier lowered his mouth down onto her trembling lips.

Perhaps if it had been a hard and blatant kiss—a demonstration of his superior power and experience— then Laura might have had the strength or the desire to push him away But it wasn't It was the cleverest kiss in the world, for it coaxed and hinted and tantalised and made her yearn for more So that it was her mouth which parted slightly, and her tongue which gave a little flick towards his

And his low laugh of triumph and anticipation as he placed his hands on her waist and then slid the down to cup her buttocks and draw her towards him, as he deepened the kiss with an instinctive display of sensuality and mastery

'Mrnrn,' he murmured against her lips 'Xavieri' she gasped 'You like that? ' 'yes Oh.yes'

Xavier laughed again, tempted to cup her breasts, or to slide the long filmy dress up her long legs and explore her most secret treasures But a hasty mental calculation told him that there was no time to enjoy any kind of sexual game Starting something might mean that they were both left high and dry—or, worse, that they might be interrupted by the stewardess telling them that they were coming into land

No, there was no time for sex—but plenty of time for sexual promise And it sure beat worrying about what lay ahead in Kharastan Xavier knew how much value women placed on a kiss—how they played it over again and again in their minds, like a much-loved piece of music Well, then, let her have the long, sweet kiss of all her romantic fantasies.

Using his mouth like an instrument, he continued to explore her lips in soft and provocative caresses until, with a little cry, Laura reached up to cling onto his broad shoulders and began to sway slightly as the kiss became harder now, and deeper

His lips tasted sweet, the sweetest thing she had ever tasted Laura had been kissed before—of course she had—but never like this Oh, never like this She could feel the sticky rush of desire, the debilitating sense of wonder which made her want him to to.....

With a soft smile Xavier drew back from her, hearing her tiny moan of protest He stared down into eyes which looked almost black, so dilated were her pupils, and her mouth was darkened too by his kiss There was a faint flush accentuating her cheekbones—and he knew with arrogant certainty that if the flight had been just a little longer he would be having sex with her, right now

'Alas, non' he murmured regretfully, for he was so hard that he felt he might burst 'There is no time for love, cherie'

Was it his totally inappropriate use of the word love' which brought Laura crashing back to reality ' ? Like someone who had been thrown from the confusing blackness of a cave into blinking light?

She took a tottering step back in complete and utter horror, her hand flying to her throat 'Wh what are you doing? she breathed unsteadily, and then shook her head in disbelief 'Or rather, what am I doing ' ?' He laughed 'You want a biology lesson ' ?'
