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There was a moment of disbelieving silence 'Your comments could be construed as insults, Monsieur de Maistre,' observed Malik coldly Is that wise, do you think'?'

But Xavier refused to be cowed by the menace which had suddenly crept into the other man's voice I don't have to like this man, or respect or pay homage to him, he thought If I were being wise, then I probably wouldn't have agreed to come on this damned journey in the first place.'

'Then why did you?'

Xavier's lips curved into a glacial smile 'I will talk to the Sheikh,' he said carelessly 'And not to one of his henchmen'

He saw that his incautious words had made Malik clench his fists in the folds of his silken robes in ill- disguised fury—and suddenly Xavier felt almost reckless As if he had just been given a draught of cool refreshment after being parched and dry for longer than he cared to remember Before him lay a gilded path to the unknown, and suddenly that excited him—because for all his freedom and his many glittering successes hadn't his life become just a little predictable.

After all, there were only so many fine wines you could drink, exquisite meals you could eat and beautiful women you could bed When you wore nothing but silk or cashmere or Irish linen next to your skin, when every whim and wish was granted—did you not lose something of the fierce hunter which lay at the deepest core of every man?

A luxurious palate could grow jaded, but for the first time in as long as he could remember Xavier's blood began to fizz with an elemental excitement as the car drove down a wide avenue, where rows of guards saluted as they passed.

He sighted an ornate set of metal gates—turned blood-red by the dying embers of the sun Through them he could see a glimpse of water, spraying up in a white plume from a huge fountain, and unknown trees throwing down dark and dappled shadows onto immaculate paths.

As they approached the compound he could see a domed building covered in exquisite mosaic and the glint of gold Alongside the gold was blue of every shade imaginable—from summer sky to ocean deep.

And, despite his unfamiliar heightened state of emotion, Xavier suddenly felt a strange and powerful sense of destiny—as if it was his place to be here, now

'We are here,' he observed slowly, and saw Malik had been quietly watching him, an unfathomable look in black eyes so like his own.

'Indeed we are,' said the Kharastan man softly 'The Blue Palace is very beautiful, yes? And it is here that Zahir the Great awaits you '

Zahir the Great The man who claims to be my father, Xavier thought, and then a strange sense of isolation crept over him What if none of it were true? What if this strange, almost dream-like state turned out to be exactly that?

Because—for all his money and his power and connections—Zahir might have made a fundamental mistake the kind all men were capable of It might turn out to be some random error—and then what?

Xavier must be very careful indeed not to allow his customary cool composure to slip To remain as indifferent as he always did—because he would be watched closely for his reactions, and an unguarded moment could be interpreted as weakness And that he would never allow

'When will I see him?' he questioned suddenly

There was a pause It has not yet been decided,' said Malik

Xavier could sense the other man's authority reasserting itself, and he knew that he must demonstrate his own power.

Because they want you here far more than you want to be here, he reminded himself

'I have travelled out here at considerable inconvenience—and I will not be left dangling like a puppet on a string,' he asserted fiercely If Sheikh Zahir wishes to see me, then so be it—but it must be accomplished as quickly as possible I am a busy man who does not play to another's whims '

Malik's eyes became stony It is not a game that we play with you, Frenchman,' he grated 'Zahir is old and frail and the time of your meeting will be governed by the state of his health—by that, and that alone '

Xavier's heard the raw note which had distorted Malik's voice, and his eyes narrowed Was he genuinely fond of his master, in the way that sometimes happened with a subordinate? he wondered Or was he just projecting into a future without the Sheikh and worrying about his own livelihood?

But he looked into the other man's eyes and saw genuine grief there, and it smote at Xavier's conscience 'I did not intend to cause you pain,' he grated.

Malik inclined his head in thanks and appeared to regain his composure 'Obviously, the meeting will be arranged as soon as possible '

There were a million questions teeming in Xavier's mind—but now was not the time.

Malik's voice broke into his thoughts

'Dinner will be at nine, after you and Miss Cottmgham have had a chance to refresh yourselves I hope that will meet with your approval?'

And suddenly Xavier knew that he wanted—needed—to assert himself in other ways, too To follow up on the promise of his kiss with the beautiful Englishwoman Because what else was he going to do with the idle hours while he waited for the Sheikh to see him? 'What will meet with my approval is if the sleeping arrangements are to my satisfaction,' he said, with soft, smooth emphasis.

Malik stiffened 'That depends on what you mean by satisfaction ' 'I think we both know what I mean,' said Xavier softly

There was a moment's silence 'Obviously it would greatly offend Kharastan sensibilities if two unmarried people were openly put in the same room, but ' Malik shrugged his shoulders and a knowing look passed between the two men. 'I am certain that something can be arranged to your satisfaction '
