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And, silencing the doubts which began to bubble to the surface of her mind, Laura gave in to her heart's desire She stood up and walked straight into his waiting arms.

Unseen in the half-light, Xavier's lips curved into a hard smile—his desire briefly dominated by triumph as he took Laura's soft body into his arms Yet even as he thrilled at the very touch of her was he not aware of a faint trace of disappointment?

It had been as easy as it always was. Ah, if only she knew how much her uncertainty had turned him on—how the short wait had tantalised him—then might not she have made him wait a little longer?

His thumb skated down over her peaking breast and he felt her shudder 'Do you know how long I have wanted to touch your breasts like this?' he questioned idly.

Laura closed her eyes with pleasure 'No '

'Well, you should. From the moment you walked into my office I wanted to take your clothes off'

'Do you do you think like that about all women?' she asked shakily, aware that this line of questioning might take her into dangerous waters

'All women? Nan But a woman as beautiful as you—ah, oui—then it is certain!'

Laura stiffened So don't ask him stuff if you can't bear to hear the answer'

'Relax, cherie' he urged softly 'Don't think about the others—for it is you who are here with me now' And then he bent his head close to her ear, so that she could feel his breath warm on her neck 'Do you know that I could continue to touch you like this until the end of time? Do you?'

Tracing a soft line over her nipple, his thumb circled a feather light path of pleasure so intense that it was easy to let the troublesome thoughts just slip away Laura closed her eyes in a delirious mixture of shock and pleasure This was supposed to be just sex, so why did it feel like getting on a fast tram to paradise? Already'

'Xavier,' she breathed in disbelief.

He moved his hand to cup the other. How completely she capitulated. And wh

at a contradiction—the buttoned-up lawyer with the soft siren beneath. He bent his head to brush his lips against the sensitised mound, his tongue teasing her nipple so that his voice was muffled 'I could take it into my mouth and lick you there until you cried out your pleasure. Has a man ever made you come from sucking your breast alone?'

Something in the erotic boast unnerved her—despite Laura's vow to just enjoy this for what it was without reading anything else into it Xavier must have known some of the greatest lovers in the world—so how could she possibly compete?

'Have they?' he prompted silkily.

Suddenly, she was scared The man whose dark head was bent over her breast was intent on pleasure but what if she couldn't pleasure him back? What if he thought she was some racy, experienced type? How would he react when he discovered the truth of her relative inexperience?

Kiss me, Xavier,' she whispered nervously, as she clutched his shoulders with her trembling hands 'Just kiss me'

Her unsophisicated little plea startled him, and he straightened up to look down into her face, lifting her chin with the tip of his finger Her green eyes were like two huge, glittering emeralds in her pale, heart-shaped face, with her glorious red hair tumbling free.

How wild and beautiful she looked, he thought, as he drove his mouth hungrily down on hers But something in the breathless wonder of that first touch affected him, and the kiss became something other than what he had been expecting Hard and hungry became soft and caressing, and then a sweet melding, and then—like the most glorious intimacy—the meeting and exploration of two mouths.

On and on the kiss went, as her arms reached up to entwine themselves around him like delicate vines, and Xavier felt weak with the intensity of it—forcing himself to concentrate on the hot, urgent shaft of his erection But he felt he was fighting on so many fronts His startling paternity The way she made him feel Himself.

'Laura,' he groaned.

He spoke the word into her open mouth and Laura trembled 'What is it?' she whispered.

He wanted to say Don't kiss me like that. He wanted her to act dirty—that was how he liked his women to behave in the bedroom Not like like

With ruthless erotic efficiency he began to stroke her 'How can I play with you when you make me want to rip this exquisite nightgown from your body, push you up against the wall and take you like I was a teenage boy?' he demanded unsteadily 'Tell me, is that how you like it? Hot and fast? Or slow and sweet?'

'I don't know,' she whispered, wondering what a man of the world would like best

At another time and in another place her submissive reply might have been one of the most erotic things anyone had ever said to him But coming on top of the emotional impact of the evening and his subsequent unburdening to her, Xavier felt exposed—as if the dry, gritty sand of the desert was being buffeted against his naked body

'You don't know?' he repeated sarcastically

She was going to mess up, she knew it Josh had been right. 'Show me '

Show her? He tensed as the unbelievable flew into his head 'Mon Dieu,' he breathed 'You're not a virgin?'
