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Xavier lifted his head and murmured his appreciation as the dark red hair tumbled into a fiery waterfall down her back He let his tongue move between her breasts, roving to the dip of her navel, then continuing on an inexorable path downwards Laura caught hold of his shoulders

'No'she cried 'Xavier, please '

He heard the raw appeal in her voice and something touched him through the slow burn of desire He lifted his head again, ebony eyes narrowed 'You don't like that?'

She wasn't really sure, because Josh had never been a big fan—and it suddenly seemed just too matter-of-fact to discuss their erotic preferences like this. Like going shopping in some sort of sexual supermarket, and she didn't want it to be like that.

Laura had convinced herself that this was never going to be anything more than great sex—but she was only human, and wasn't there also the very romantic side which no woman could ever quite suppress? That dreamed of hearts and flowers and happy-ever-after when she was intimate with a man? And even if they didn't mean it, then surely they could pretend.

'What is it that you want, cherie' he questioned, sensing her doubts.

'I want you Properly' She didn't want him to perform a million of his clever little variations on a theme, for she was terrified that she wouldn't know how to respond to half of them, terrified that he might compare her to other women he had known who did.

'Tell me,' he murmured, and put his face very close to hers 'I want you to fill me I want I want '

'Want what, Little Miss Lawyer'?' he teased, even though he was aching in a way he had never ached before 'Don't tell me that a word has escaped you '

'I want to feel you,' she said boldly Inside me '

Xavier could not see her blush, but he could feel it in the warmth of her cheek against his, and suddenly he felt more than a little overwhelmed. Was it because a blush was something a woman couldn't fake? Because it was a true glimpse into the way she was feeling—and Laura was feeling shy about making a request that had sounded so delightful to his ears.

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'Then feel me you will,' he said starkly 'Right now'

He moved over her, bending his head to kiss her as he thrust into her and set about making love to her as if it was a master class. He loved to take women to the edge over and over again, until they were begging him to put an end to their sweet torment. But Laura was different.

She kissed him a lot. She touched his face a lot She ruffled his hair with her fingers and traced light little patterns across his skin with her fingertips until he shuddered—and he couldn't work out why. But she made love as if it was important—and even though it wasn't, it didn't seem to affect his response to her

So that for once it was Xavier who was lost—swept away on a wave of something so so delicious that it defied description.

Afterwards he lay looking up at the moon-dappled ceiling, telling himself that it was just an incredible orgasm But Laura's head was leaning against the crook of his arm and her hair was spread all over his chest, and he fell asleep with a much deeper feeling of contentment than usual.


Molten gold morning sun flooded over her bare skin and Laura blinked as her eyes accustomed themselves to the light Someone must have opened the shutters She yawned, still disorientated in the aftermath of a fitful night spent

Her eyes snapped open as she turned her head to see the empty rumpled space beside her A night spent making love with Xavier de Maistre'

'Good morning,' came a soft voice from the other side of the room And there was Xavier He was naked, except for a tiny towel wrapped around his hips, and his hair was still damp from the shower And he was watching her as a wary biologist might observe a newly discovered species

'Did you sleep well?'

'I ' She met his eyes. He had woken her three times in the night to make love to her. It had been the best night of her life, and at one point she thought she might have told him so. Had he forgotten all that—or did things you said while you were having sex simply not count? Was this the language of sophisticated lovers—that next morning you acted as if nothing had happened? Or was he using a subtle code to warn her not to make it into something it wasn't—not to come out with gushing words of praise for his undeniable sexual prowess or—worse—to tell him how easy it would be to fall in love with him?

Well, she would take her cue from him They were both adults—she wasn't going to play coy or cringing or regretful or anything else negative She had enjoyed every second of it—and so, presumably, had he.

'No, I feel great this morning,' she murmured back.

He walked over to the bed and kissed her hair 'You smell great, too '

'So so do you '

Their eyes met as he slipped his hand between her legs, and suddenly Laura felt shy without the concealment of darkness and kind shadows cloaking expressions and hiding any tell-tale signs of vulnerability or insecurity

'Xavier' 'Mmm?'

'I think I ought to be getting up '
