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'Good morning ' Sidonia folded her hands together, the tips of her fingers beneath her chin, and gave the elegant bow of the traditional Khanstani greeting 'You wish perhaps to take breakfast now?'

Laura shook her head 'Not just yet What I would really like is some exercise Is there any way you could get hold of a swimsuit for me?'

Sidonia nodded, then spoke in her sweetly accented English 'But of course The pool is equipped with everything you could possibly require '

'Just for me?' Laura wondered aloud as they walked towards the complex

'For all our guests The Sheikh often has visiting dignitaries who expect things to be primitive—it gives him great pleasure to show them how much a part of the modern world we are here at the Palace '

Laura shot the servant a curious look as they walked past exquisite flowerbeds, each symmetrically planted with a different colour theme—scarlets, golds and blues Her pride in her Palace and her Ruler were touching

'From the air, the flowers in this part of the garden resemble our Kharastan flag,' said Sidonia 'You see the shape of the falcon's head?'

'Yes, I do ' Laura smiled 'Your English is so good '

Sidonia nodded 1 am pleased with my progress—but the credit for that must go to Sorrel'

The name rang a bell, and Laura remembered the young blonde woman who had appeared at the banquet, summoning Xavier to the Sheikh, and nodded.

' Is that Malik's ward?' she questioned, and Sidonia nodded 'How did that happen?'

'Her parents were the British representatives here in Kharastan—both great Middle Eastern scholars,' said Sidonia 'They died in an aircrash over the mountains of Maraban and everyone thought that Sorrel would go straight home

But she had grown up here and loved it—she considered Kharastan to be her home and was reluctant to leave. She attended the university here—very few English women are fluent in the Kharastan language One day she will go back to England, but she will not do so until the Sheikh dies'

Laura wondered how much Sorrel—and indeed Sidonia—knew about Xavier Were they aware that he was the Sheikh's son—perhaps with a legitimate claim on his kingdom? And what if Xavier made no claim, or did not meet with the Sheikh's approval? Who would rule Kharastan then?

For some reason Malik's face swam into Laura's mind, but they had reached the poolhouses now, and she was dazzled by the sheer opulent splendour of the pool It was a vast rectangle of perfectly clear water, and it was lined with beautiful golden and blue mosaics which depicted scenes of Kharastan life The poolhouses themselves were the very last word in luxury—with a steam-room and sauna making it look like a lavish and very exclusive health club.

'You will find everything you need here,' said Sidonia

'Thank you,' said Laura, as she gazed round in delight 'And I wonder

if you could bring me some day clothes from my room'? Perhaps trousers might be suitable?'


After Sidonia had gone, Laura selected a plain black costume and dived into the water, emerging like a seal mid-way down the pool and beginning to swim She had been good at swimming as a child—with free baths close to their home Often—if her mother had been working in the evenings—Laura would go there straight from school, swimming length after length in a steady crawl

It had always invigorated her rather than tired her out, and it did the same now—so that by time she had finished her swim she felt ready to face anything

Afterwards, Laura showered and changed into the linen trousers and silk shirt Sidonia had brought— tying her damp hair back with a green ribbon which echoed the colour of the jade and silver beads she slung round her neck Narrow sandals were slipped onto her bare feet and she felt in control

She looked just right—cool, sophisticated and sleek Now Laura could see that the Sheikh's insistence that she wear designer clothes from top to toe had been about much more than dressing to lure Xavier back here—as he had accused her It meant that she didn't look out of place in these august surroundings That she looked as if she fitted in And that was rather a nice feeling.

'I'd like breakfast now, Sidonia Is it possible to eat outside?' she asked the maidservant 'But of course!'

A table was set for her beneath the dappled canopy of some exotic large-leafed tree, and she was just spooning mulberry jam onto her plate when a shadow fell over her She looked up, her heart beginning to pound in her chest when she saw who it was

'Xavier '

She was the first woman who had ever run from him, and yet here she was—looking cool and amazing in linen and silk, with the sun shining on her glossy red hair and some stunning beads emphasising the intense emerald of her eyes

'You are hiding from me?' he asked silkily

'Does it look like it? Hiding would imply fear, and even though it seems I am virtually a prisoner here the last thing I am is frightened!' she returned 'Especially of you'

Xavier smiled Her feisty form was like a breath of fresh air after the tumult of the previous night His meeting with the Sheikh had affected him more than he had anticipated He had thought that sex with Laura would wipe it all away—his troubled feelings as well as his lust for her—but he had felt none of the expected sense of closure this morning.
