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Did the Sheikh think of things like that as he grew ever older? she wondered Was it a cultural imperative for him to hand the reins over to his kith and km—and was he now about to pass on such a weighty responsibility to Xavier? Because if he didn't make his son his heir, then what would happen to Kharastan, and who would rule it?

She stole a look at his hard, set profile and he looked down at her, his eyes momentarily softening in a way they rarely did.

'You look sad,' she observed.

He sighed.She was so perceptive And you're going to miss that, aren't you? taunted a voice inside his head

'I am—a little It feels strange that, having found him, I shall soon go back to my own life in Pans Life is so unpredictable that this might be the last time I ever see him '

It might,' she agreed 'But at least you've had this heaven-sent opportunity to get to know him.

They were outside the Sheikh's apartments now, and the ornate doors opened and Malik appeared, his eyes black-chipped and hard.

'He will see you both now,' he said curtly.

The light in the Sheikh's glorious golden room was muted and soft, and the air was cooled by some unseen fan and scented with the faint perfume of fresh flowers.

Aware of Malik behind her and Xavier by her side, Laura suddenly felt like an outsider Why did Kharastan's ruler want to see her? she wondered.

'Approach,' came the soft command from a divan, and Laura suddenly forgot all her misgivings as she realised what a great honour was being afforded to her As she drew close to the old man she sank instinctively into a deep curtsey—without having been aware that she even knew how to perform such a graceful gesture of homage There she stayed, her eyes downcast, until she felt his hand on the top of her head.

'Arise,' he husked 'Thank you for bringing my son to me, Miss Cottmgham '

' It was my pleasure,' said Laura, her heart beating fast with nerves.

Xavier had moved forward, too—and Malik was indicating that she should sit on a low stood beside the Sheikh.

Laura didn't know what she had been expecting. Golden robes denoted his privileged position, and the Sheikh was old, yes—but he carried with him the indefinable aura of power. And Xavier was right—his eyes were as memorably black as his son's. He sat up—as if the sight of the three of them had in some magical way revitalised him. A male servant appeared, to offer him a drink from a goblet inlaid with precious stones, but the Sheikh waved him away.

'Xavier, you are my son,' said the Sheikh 'And I am granting you the freedom of Kharastan. Designated lands and great wealth will be made available to you in this, your country'

'I thank you, but I have no need of your gift,' said Xavier proudly 'And that is not the reason I came '

The Sheikh nodded approvingly. 'I know and understand that—for you have made your own wealth in life. You have succeeded as I would have expected These gifts are not made because of their financial worth—but because they are yours by birthright. The past can never be rewritten, my son—only the future is ours to forge, and yours lies ahead of you.You must go where destiny takes you—but you will always have a place and a home here, as one of the Sheikh's sons,' he finished quietly.

There was silence for a moment, and Laura was so awestruck that she wasn't really listening with her usual sharp and analytical lawyer's ear.

But Xavier was And his eyes narrowed as one phrase leapt into his mind and fastened itself there, like a leech.

'One of the Sheikh's sons'?' he repeated

Laura saw the look which passed between Malik and the Sheikh.

'There is another son?' Xavier demanded hoarsely 'I have a brother*"

'You have a half-brother,' said the Sheikh carefully 'Unlike you, he is Italian, and lives in the land of his birth'

Xavier stared at the Sheikh 'Why?' he whispered

It was a question which could have been interpreted in many ways, Laura thought—though the Sheikh seemed to know exactly what it was that Xavier demanded to know with that single word

The Sheikh glanced around the room, nodding to dismiss the servants so that only he, Xavier and Malik remained. And Laura of course—who was half expecting them to ask her to leave as well But they did not.

'Because I made a great dynastic marriage at a time of civil unrest in Kharastan, and my people dearly loved my wife As did I,' he added softly.

' It was a successful marriage on many levels except on one—I never had a child with her'

'You just went round procreating throughout Europe, did you?' accused Xavier hotly. Laura saw Malik scowl and half rise, but the Sheikh stayed him by lifting his hand.
