Page 31 of Kiss and Tell

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‘Darling, you should have confided in me.’

‘You would have told him.’

‘Ye-es,’ agreed Martha slowly. ‘But would that have been so very awful, Triss? He would have stood by you, supported you—’

‘And I could not have taken that impartial kind of support from Cormack!’ declared Triss hotly. ‘Not at that stage! Not when I was still so much in love with him and the relationship was over.’

‘Triss, are you quite sure it was over?’ quizzed Martha gently.

‘He started having a relationship with someone else!’ sobbed Triss. ‘How sure can you get?’

‘Maybe he—’

‘Maybe nothing! Because during that relationship he and I met at a party and tumbled into bed together, and that was how Simon was conceived! And if he was capable of committing infidelity while he was in a relationship with someone else, then what the hell was he doing all the time he was with me?’

Martha’s voice sounded worried. ‘Triss—’

But Triss raged on, unable to stop. ‘Remember all those photos taken of him with adoring women while I was on the other side of the world?’ she demanded.

‘You mean the ones your mother went to so much trouble to make sure you would see?’ enquired Martha caustically.

‘And I’m grateful to her!’ declared Triss wildly. ‘Otherwise how else would I have known?’


‘At the time he tried to convince me that they meant nothing, Martha! But how could I ever be sure? That’s the main reason I left him—because I could not stand living with the jealousy he made me feel!’

All the anger and the bitterness came bubbling out, like poison spilling out of a witch’s cauldron. ‘He hurt me, Martha! He hurt me so badly that I honestly thought I couldn’t keep going—but I had to keep going, for Simon’s sake. And the only thing which kept me going was the thought that one day I would hurt him back.’

‘An eye for an eye, you mean?’ queried her sister-in-law acidly.

‘If you like.’

‘Revenge is a very negative act, you know, Triss—’

‘So is betrayal.’

‘Triss, have you actually talked to him about it?’


‘Listen...’ Martha sighed. ‘He’s going to be staying with you, isn’t he?’

‘Did he tell you that?’

Martha laughed. ‘No—ever since I’ve become a consultant obstetrician I’ve developed powers of clairvoyancy! Of course he told me—how else would I know? Come on, Triss. I know everything about the whole situation is a little heavy, but try to lighten up a little, for goodness’ sake! Not to mention for your sake—and Simon’s—and—dare I mention it?—Connack’s too!’

Triss managed a small smile. ‘Sorry. I know I’m Gloom of the Year at the moment! What were you going to say?’

‘Just that we could come over—if you like. For lunch on Sunday, if it’s a fine day. It might help to ease the atmosphere between you. And if other people are around—well, you can’t just go at one another hammer and tongs, now, can you?’

It sounded like a good idea. ‘I’ll call you,’ said Triss. ‘Listen, I have to go—there’s someone at the door and it’s probably Cormack.’

‘Go, then—and good luck,’ said Martha. ‘And ring me! OK?’

‘I will. Bye!’

Triss felt as nervous as a child going to school for the first time as she pulled open the door.
