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He’s too big for me to take all of him, or even most of him, but Kris doesn’t seem to care. His hips thrust gently into my mouth, and I suck on his skin, intentionally leaving a trail of red just like he said.

We lock eyes, and he smiles, though his gaze is clouded with lust and arousal. “So fucking hot.” The words are so soft I’m not even sure that I heard them right. But one of his hands falls into my hair and he guides me deeper. Faster. I catch the rhythm that he’s guiding me to and keep it going.

“Fuck.” Every time he slides into my mouth he groans. I watch the perfect muscles of his abs flex and stretch as he tries to hold himself back, but he can’t. He barely has time to tell me that he is before he’s coming in my mouth. Across my tongue.

Deep, rich flavor. Salt and man. I’d always heard that people don’t like it. But I don’t mind it, and I make sure that he’s watching my face when I swallow him down. “A fucking horny freak,” he says with a laugh, running a hand through my hair. “You must be magic to get a second round out of me so fast.”

The smirk that appears won’t be stopped. “I wonder if I could drag a third round out of you.”

“What the fuck is going on in here?”

I look over to my uncle standing in the doorway, eyes filled with fury and face so red it looks like he’s painted with pasta sauce. We were so entranced that neither of us heard the door open. It only takes a second for me to realize that I’m naked, and I scramble for my clothes. “Going on in here?” I yell as I manage to get a robe wrapped around me. “You told me that you were leaving town for three days.”

Meynard’s glare is as cold as death. “I only told you that to see if this was happening. I’m not an idiot, Chianna. Nobody just ‘helps someone stretch’ at the gym.”

Kris chuckles. “Sure they do. Maybe they just don’t help you because you’re a fucking tight-ass who literally repels people.”

It’s like the words just roll off him, because he doesn’t even react. “I knew I shouldn’t have given you this chance here. You’re lazy. You don’t even take the work here seriously, and you’ll never be good enough to make it. Now you do this? A lack of loyalty combined with your time wasting and you’ll never work at Core Tech. Or anywhere else.”

My stomach plummets. That’s not what I want. And even though I know that the things that he’s saying aren’t true, he’s powerful. If he wants to make sure that I don’t work anywhere in the field? He can do that. And people will listen.

“Are you fucking kidding me?” Kris yanks on his pants and faces my uncle. “You must be out of your goddamn mind.”

“You think you can speak to me like that in my house?”

“I think I can speak to you like that anywhere I please when you’re ripping someone that you’re supposed to love to shreds. Chianna is an intern. She’s at the company to be learning, and no one at the company deserves to be worked twenty-four hours a day. The only reason we’re even here? It’s because she finished your entire list of tasks for when you lied to her and told her you’d be gone.

“The entire list because she wanted a chance to do something real while you weren’t getting in her fucking way. So maybe back up a step before you accuse her of being lazy or disloyal.”

My uncle sneers. “As if I would take your word for anything. It means nothing. And we both know that you’re only fucking her because you know that it will get to me. You’re trying to throw me off my game by using my family, and it’s disgusting.”

“That isn’t true,” Kris says, the words deadly quiet. “And if you have any self-preservation at all, you’ll re-think who you’re calling disgusting.”

“Get out.” It’s a good thing super-powers don’t exist because I’m pretty sure that Meynard would have laser beams coming out his eyeballs. “Now.”

Kris turns to me first. “Will you be all right?”

“I’ll be fine,” I nod. Though I don’t feel that way and my voice doesn’t sound it. But he can’t stay. We haven’t declared that we are anything to each other, and it’s not my house. I should have never said to come over here. If I hadn’t, maybe this wouldn’t have happened.

“You know where I am,” he says before grabbing his shirt and disappearing out the door.

My uncle just stares at me for a long time, the disgust and disappointment obvious on his face before he stalks from the room and slams the door.
