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I’d gladly take her up against those shelves. Hell, I’d fuck her so hard every last pack of Sharpies would fall off the top shelf so she’d never have to reach up again. No, she’d have to bend over, and that’s how I’d take her from behind so I could see that perfectly delicious ass.

Grabbing my water bottle, I take a drink before splashing a little of it on my face. At this rate, I’ll have to take a cold shower before I go to the office. But first, I’m going to push myself harder. Exhaustion might be the key to getting her out of my head. At least I hope.

She’s an intern. No matter how much I want to take her and make her mine, I shouldn’t be thinking about her at all. It’s not professional. Not that I’ve been the consummate professional when it comes to my dating life, but I shouldn’t do this. At least not until the internship is over and there are fewer eyes watching.

Yeah. That’s what I’ll do.

A small gasp reaches my ears and every bit of resolve that I’ve just built evaporates like mist. Chianna is standing in the doorway to the gym, staring at me in awe like she’s just seen God. She’s so pale that every blush—no matter how small—is visible. This flush is much deeper than the one that I saw yesterday. It covers more of her because I can see more of her. Just a thin camisole and some yoga pants. A gym bag is slung over her shoulder and those pants are riding just a little low on her hips. I can see a glimpse of skin and fuck, all I want to do is lick it.

Animalistic need is the only thing I feel, fed by the way that she’s looking at me. Clear attraction. Her hand tightens and releases on the strap of her bag, and I watch her take in all of me. Slowly.

I’m not stupid. I know that I’m attractive. But up until now it didn’t seem like anything out of the ordinary for me. Now that Chianna is watching? It feels like everything. And I’m glad that I put in the work to keep myself in shape.

Her eyes finally make their way back to mine, and her blush deepens. Chianna’s mouth opens like she’s going to say something, and then she stops. Turning, she quickly disappears into the adjoining yoga studio. She’s hiding, but if that’s really what she wants, then that’s not the place to do it. The walls are made of glass and she can see me just as easily as I can see her.

Only ten more minutes of my run, and then I’ll go talk to her. This opportunity is too good to pass up. We’re here, we’re alone, and there are no prying eyes.

If she doesn’t want anything to do with me—possible, given who her uncle is—then I’ll let her go. But the look that I saw in her eyes isn’t one of someone who hates me. That was a look of want and need. And I can definitely give her what she wants, internship be damned.

There’s every possibility that I’m being an idiot, and that this will end badly. But the ship has sailed. I’m not being ruled right now by anything but my instincts and my cock. And they want her.

For the last ten minutes I push myself to the breaking point. I force speed out of my body like it’s the last thing I’ll ever do, and it’s the only hope I have of burning off any of this lust.

It doesn’t work.

Looking over, I see Chianna in a yoga pose, ass up in the air, and I nearly groan. There’s no blood left in my brain at this point. It’s all in my cock, which is begging me to sink into her perfect heat. I haven’t touched her more than a handshake, and I already know that touching Chianna will be my undoing. It will change me forever.

I gulp down what little remains of my water and then leave the bottle on the treadmill. We’re like opposing magnets. There’s no way in hell that I can stay away from her. Leaning against the doorframe, I’m treated to a perfect view of her ass in those yoga pants. Then she bends downward, laying her body flat on the ground and pushing her chest up with her hands.

Another gasp comes from her when she sees me in the mirror. I fucking love that sound. Is that the sound she’ll make when she takes my cock for the first time? I want to know.

There’s also no hiding the fact that I’m turned on. My running shorts hide nothing. But right now, I don’t care. I want her to know that I’m turned on. I want her to know that I want her just as badly as she does me.
