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“I’m not supposed to talk about it,” said Joe. “It’s top-secret.”

“Oh, I see,” said Marvin’s mother.

Marvin saw his parents stare at Joe. He knew they were wondering if Joe was telling the truth.

After they finished the pizza—which took a lot longer than usual—Marvin’s mother asked what they wanted for dessert. “We’ve got cookies, ice cream, Jell-O …”

Marvin knew what Joe wanted. “We’ll have Jell-O,” he said.

Marvin’s mother went to the refrigerator. “That’s strange,” she said. “It’s all gone.”

“Joe ate it all,” said Linzy.

“Can you make more?” asked Marvin.

“That’s okay,” said Joe. “You don’t have to.”

“Joe really likes Jell-O,” said Linzy. “He’d never had it before.”

“They don’t have Jell-O in Chicago,” said Marvin.

“Oh, I see,” said Mrs. Redpost. She stared at Joe for a moment. “Well, I can make some more, but it won’t be ready until tomorrow.”

“Can I help?” asked J

oe. “I want to study how you make it.”

“Sure, Joe. I’ll show you how.”

She began by boiling water. “Would you like some cookies for now?” she asked.

“Yes, please,” said Marvin.

Linzy said she wanted four cookies.

“How about you, Joe?” asked Marvin’s mother.

“No thank you, Nancy. I’ll just have a cup of coffee.”



Joe was stirring the yellow Jell-O mixture in a pan on the stove.

“Do you want to call your parents?” Marvin’s mother asked him.

“I already did,” said Joe.

Marvin didn’t know when Joe could have done that.

“If you think Jell-O is good, you should try pudding,” said Linzy.

“I feel bad that I haven’t even talked to your mother,” said Mrs. Redpost.

“She wanted to talk to you, too, Nancy. But she’s in a very important meeting with the president.”

“Oh, I see,” said Marvin’s mother.
