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“So, how’s it going?” asked Marvin.

Joe shrugged.

“I guess it’s hard being new,” said Marvin.

“I guess,” said Joe.

Marvin thought about asking Joe if he wanted to come with him to Stuart’s house. But he was afraid what Nick or Stuart would say. “Well, maybe it will get better next week. You won’t be new anymore.”

Joe smiled. “Maybe.”

Nick and Stuart came running out of the school building. “We’re free!” Nick shouted as he leaped down the stairs.

They stopped short when they noticed that Marvin was talking to Joe.

“C’mon, let’s go,” said Stuart.

“Where are you going?” asked Joe.

“My house,” said Stuart.

Marvin decided to take a chance. “You want to come with us?” he asked.

“Um, I don’t know,” said Joe. He looked at Stuart.

“You better not,” Stuart said. “See, we have to give my dog a bath.”

“That’s right,” said Nick. “We have to bathe Fluffy. Fluffy is a real mean dog. He might bite you.”

“Dogs like me,” said Joe.

“It’s my parents’ rule,” explained Stuart. “If Fluffy bites another person, we could get sued for a million dollars! Isn’t that right, Marvin?”

Marvin didn’t know what to say. He didn’t want to lie to Joe, but he also didn’t want to betray Nick and Stuart. Besides, if he told Joe the truth, that they really didn’t have to bathe Fluffy, it would hurt Joe’s feelings.

“And you might get your clothes wet and dirty,” said Nick. “You don’t want to ruin your only clothes, do you?”

He glanced at Stuart and smiled.

Joe shrugged.

“Well, maybe another time,” said Marvin.

“Okay,” said Joe.

Marvin felt terrible. “See you Monday,” he said.

“See you,” said Joe.

As they walked away, Stuart said, “I can’t believe you asked the Door Key to come home with us.”

“I was just trying to be nice,” said Marvin.

“Well, you shouldn’t just think about yourself,” said Nick. “That’s selfish. You should think about other people’s feelings, too.”

Marvin stopped walking. “You’re right,” he said. He turned around and headed back to the school.

He found Joe standing by the flagpole.
