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And I think I’m kidnapping you for the rest of the weekend! Demi took her time licking every inch of him. Chase dropped his head to his chest and dug his fingernails into her hair. His facial expressions changed and his forehead glistened with sweat. Demi watched him intently, couldn’t believe what she was seeing. He was losing it, unraveling right before her eyes, and hearing his groans and grunts bolstered her confidence, made her feel invincible, as if there was nothing she couldn’t do well in the bedroom.

“Your turn.” Clutching her hands, Chase pulled her into his arms before lowering her onto the bed, hiking her legs in the air. “Get comfortable.”

Arching her spine, she tingled in anticipation. Demi clutched the bedsheets in her hands. Is he blowing on my clit? Oh, wow, he’s kissing it, too! Her heart beat in triple time and the bedroom spun in circles. She could feel his fingers inside her, his tongue, too, and writhed beneath him. He was tender when he needed to be, aggressive at times, and she shrieked in delight as he nibbled and sucked her outer lips. Intense pleasure built between her legs. Her body was on fire, set ablaze by his long, nimble tongue.

Rising, he stood over her, sporting a broad, I’m-the-man grin. And he was. He stretched out on top of her on the platform bed and gathered her in his arms. His lips were her drug and Demi was hooked. They kissed slowly, deeply, as if they had all the time in the world, and they did. Going to Pacha Ibiza was out of the question now, but she made a mental note to call Gigi in the morning to apologize for missing her show.

Rolling around on the bed, they kissed passionately as they stroked each other’s bodies. He spoke to her in French, whispered dirty jokes in her ear, and Demi giggled. His playfulness excited her, deepened their physical connection, their bond.

Chase found her sweet spot, the place behind her ear that made her wet, and flicked his tongue against it. Demi begged him to stop but the erotic onslaught continued for several minutes. A storm brewed inside her, threatened to consume her as her body spiraled out of control. Demi was surprised by their connection, how easily and quickly they’d hit it off, and wanted to please him—even if it took her the rest of the night. “You lied to me,” she joked, clamping her legs possessively around his waist. “You told me you’re the good twin, but it’s obvious you’re a player masquerading as the boy next door.”

Chase pressed a finger to her mouth. “Shh, don’t tell anyone. It’s a closely guarded secret and I don’t want you to blow my cover.”

Demi tightened her hold around his waist. She caressed his jaw, his neck, drew her fingers across his chest. She liked feeling his smooth, warm skin against hers, couldn’t think of anything better than being in his arms. Not even a shopping spree on Rodeo Drive.

Chase grabbed his pants, found his wallet, and retrieved a condom. Putting it on, he kissed her lips. He slid a hand across her stomach, past her navel and between her thighs. He moved his finger in and out of her sex, in circles, furiously, back and forth. Her body was screaming, pulsating, and pleasure radiated throughout her core. Chase replaced his finger with his erection, slowly easing it inside her sex. His smooth, steady rhythm was exquisite, exactly what her body needed, and the depth of his penetration knocked the wind out of her. Stole her breath. Made it impossible for Demi to think. She’d always considered herself a good lover, but Chase did things with his mouth, tongue and hands she never could have imagined. His technique impressed her. Wowed her over and over again.

An electrical current shot through Demi and she cried out. She couldn’t keep her emotions bottled up inside anymore. Scared she’d shatter every window in the suite, she clamped her lips together. But moans fell from her mouth and ricocheted off the walls.

“You feel amazing inside me,” she confessed, gazing into his eyes. “Please don’t stop.”

He was a skilled and exceptional lover who put her needs above his own, and Demi wanted to spend the rest of the weekend with him—in bed, blowing through the pages of the Karma Sutra.

An eruption exploded inside her, robbing her of speech. Chase pressed his eyes shut and let out a guttural groan. Every muscle in his body tensed, drawing taut beneath her fingertips. His head fell back and his movements slowed. Staring down at her, he wrapped her in his arms. His skin was clammy and drenched in sweat, but Demi rested her head on his chest. Her mind was clear and her body was relaxed, filled with positive thoughts. Wow, I haven’t felt this good since I went to that yoga retreat in Bali with my girl squad two years ago!

Demi snuggled against him. She enjoyed feeling his hands in her hair, against her neck, her shoulders and across her back. Hooking up with Chase was the craziest thing she’d ever done, but Demi had no regrets. He was an exceptional lover and, even though they’d just finished making love, she was roaring to go again. They hadn’t exchanged numbers yet and her calendar was jam-packed for the rest of the month, but she’d make time to see him, even if it meant squeezing him in for a late-night date after work.

“This is the best birthday I’ve ever had and you’re the reason why,” he confessed, caressing her arms. “You’re incredible, Demi, and I’m glad we met.”

Her eyes were heavy with sleep but Demi listened intently to what he was saying. Chase was the only lover she’d ever had who didn’t pass out after sex and learning more about his personal life made her feel close to him, as if they could have a future together. It was an outrageous thought, one she’d never repeat out loud, but it lingered in her mind as they made plans for the rest of the weekend. Arms and legs intertwined, they talked and laughed and kissed for hours. “What time is your flight to Barcelona tomorrow?” Demi asked, gazing up at him.

“Not until noon, so we have the whole morning to frolic and play on the beach.”

“And make love,” she added. “Because one round with you isn’t going to be enough.”

Chase wore an amused expression. “Do you always say exactly what’s on your mind?”

“Yes. Why? Is that a problem?”

“No, not at all. I love your bold, tell-it-like-it-is personality, but I bet being brutally honest gets you in a lot of trouble at work. People say they want the truth, but they don’t.”

“I work for my sister and she likes me to keep it real with her, so I do,” Demi explained, shrugging a shoulder. “Her staff and record label executives often tell her what they think she wants to hear instead of the truth, so she relies on me to be brutally honest.”

“Your sister’s a singer? Cool. What kind of music does she sing? Anything I know?”

“I doubt it.” Guilt pricked her heart, but Demi ignored the familiar pang in her chest. Revealing who her famous sister was would ruin the mood. It always did. He’d want to talk about Geneviève and she’d be forgotten. It had happened before and Demi wanted things to be different with Chase. If and when they reconnected in New York, she’d tell him the truth, but not tonight. “What do you like most about Ibiza?” she asked, eager to change the subject. “The parties, the beaches, the culture, or all of the above?”

“That it’s six thousand miles away from home!” Laughing, he settled back against the pillows. “I came to Ibiza, to escape for a while, and meeting you has definitely been the highlight of my trip...”

A sigh escaped her lips. Chase always said the right things and she could easily listen to him talk for the rest of the night, even though she should be writing her next blog post and uploading the pictures they’d taken that afternoon in Ibiza Town.

“What’s your fantasy?” he asked. “What’s on your sex wish list?”

Frowning, Demi tapped an index finger to her cheek. She pretended to be thinking hard, but she’d had the same fa

ntasies for years and loved the idea of fulfilling them with him. “I’ve always wanted to have sex in a Jacuzzi and the hammock in my backyard. I can be clumsy at times, so I’d probably end up hurting myself, but it’s still at the top of my list.”

“Don’t worry. Nothing bad will happen to you on my watch. I promise.”
