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“What is it you need, Waverly?”

“I—I—” The words were lost but the action was not. Waverly leaped forward and threw herself into Dominic’s arms. He caught her and spun her body around, placing her back against the car. Waverly gave him a further answer with a kiss. Her mouth pressed against his, searching and finding that same desire she felt each time they touched.

He yanked her skirt up her thighs. The material rolled farther up when he pulled her legs around his waist. Waverly moaned and broke the kiss, turning her face toward the sky. Dominic kissed her chin, earlobes and neck, and then nuzzled the valley between her breasts. Skillfully Dominic balanced Waverly’s body against his, pressing her back to the door while his fingers crept up her thigh and between her legs. The fabric of her panties was now moist with blatant desire. Unabashed, Waverly rolled her hips forward. Dominic slid beneath the cotton fabric from the side and pressed one finger inside her.

“Jesus,” Dominic whispered. “I’m not going to be able to stop.”

“So don’t.”

The single word evoked a husky grunt. Dominic lifted Waverly in his arms and reached for his shirt, hanging from the door, then carried her over to the hood. Waverly placed several kisses across Dominic’s neck as he maneuvered around. He set her down. She realized he’d placed his shirt under her so her bare behind wouldn’t touch the cold car. Waverly bit the bottom corner of her lip and watched Dominic step backward. His belt buckle jingled in the air when he slipped his pants over his hips. His black boxer briefs slid down, and in the dim light a foil package of protection glinted. Waverly’s heart jumped with anticipation. She pulled her feet up onto the hood of the car. The height of the vehicle made it perfect for Dominic to hit his target. With one deep stroke he entered her. They both gasped.

Waverly rolled her head back. Dominic feasted on her neck, earlobes and chin, and then cupped the back of her head and brought her mouth to his. In these woods, stranded on the side of the road and with a storm approaching, Waverly had never felt more protected. This feeling she experienced, this sensation, was more than just gratuitous sex. This was deeper. This was love.

Moisture struck her face. Was she sad? Dominic’s hands roamed her body. Each tender caress he gave her swelled her heart with love. Waverly shook her head and broke the kiss only to realize clouds had rolled in and covered the moon. Darkness fell on them while the rain did the same.

At the crack of thunder, Waverly was almost at her breaking point. Dominic spread her back against the car, slid her farther down on him and drove into her. With nothing to grip while her first orgasm broke, Waverly dragged her fingers through her hair, pushing her tiara to the side. Dominic threw her legs over his shoulders and banged into her...until he seemingly lost his breath for a moment. Through the flashes of lightning, she saw that veins popped out in his neck and forearms. Finally he breathed and when he did, the two of them combusted into dual orgasms.

* * *

The ride down County Road 17, which brought them into town, was filled with holiday music from the radio. Waverly had no idea what to say. She wasn’t filled with regret but more of a realization she’d opened up a whole can of worms. How was she going to be able to stop wanting Dominic now? Waverly distracted herself with the decorations in the suburbs, oohing and aahing with her face pressed against the window.

Dominic’s hair was darkened with droplets left over from getting caught in the rain. “I’m getting you another tree.”

They entered the covered parking garage to her condo instead of Dominic dropping her off at the front door for the doorman to let her in. Dominic pulled the Packard into a guest parking spot rather than the one assigned to Waverly or even his sister. Waverly wondered if that was so Alisha wouldn’t question what happened tonight. The two of them were still soaking wet and it would take no guessing what they had been up to, judging from their wet clothing.

Being the gentleman that he was, Dominic opened the passenger door for Waverly. Their footsteps fell in unison along the floor of the parking garage.

“I can bring the dresses over to Lexi’s in the morning,” Dominic offered. Their fingers brushed together.

“Sounds good to me.” Waverly pressed the up button of the elevator.

Waverly said a silent prayer for the elevator to be on a higher floor. The ding cut deep and the light from the PG sign lit up as Dominic pressed his lips together.

“Did you say something?” Waverly asked.

They stepped into the compartment. Would it be too much to ask for the elevator to get stuck?

“I’m good,” he replied. “I just know if I ride in the elevator with you I can’t promise to keep my hands off you.”

“You,” Waverly began with a mild clearing of her throat, “you understand my situation, Dominic, right?”

Dominic’s eyes widened. “Seriously? After tonight, you’re back to the morality thing?”

Waverly stiffened at the harsh tone. “I’ve been waiting all my life for this chance.” As the words rolled off her tongue, Waverly wondered what the this was. Love or the pageant.

Without having to say a word, Dominic got his answer. He pressed his lips together and nodded. “All right.”

The elevator arrived and Waverly reluctantly stepped out of the compartment. “Do you want to come in and dry off?”

“Nah,” he said with a shake of his head. “I’ll get those dresses over tomorrow.”

Chapter 9

“These dresses are gorgeous.”

Waverly craned her neck over the stack of ready Advent calendars. The top of Lexi’s blond head appeared in the break room. The dresses had been dropped off before Waverly arrived at work. She hated admit

ting her disappointment at not being able to see Dominic again. She didn’t like the way things had ended. Honestly, in her dream ending of their evening, they would have ended up in bed together. Clearing her naughty thoughts out of her mind with a shake of her head, Waverly leaned around, expecting to find the stroller with the baby prince, Kenny, inside.
