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“None of the above,” Joe replied, finally looking up. The expression in his eyes was a mixture of nerves and fear and dread. Dear Lord, Harrison, what have you done?

“Harrison has, over the years, done a number of favors for many powerful people. Those favors have become a sideline business.”

It was a bolt from the blue. “What type of favors?” Gabe asked, shock coating his words.

“Anything, everything. Harr

ison and his partner made bad things, people, choices and consequences go away. They ensured that potential scandals disappeared. Harrison initially worked alone, but then he took on a partner in this fixing business, and that partner is the one who is going to be calling the shots. It is my belief that those shots include who makes certain decisions about Harrison’s business and Harrison himself.” Joe looked at Mariella and shrugged.

“You weren’t consulted about Harrison’s move to this clinic because you didn’t need to be. This person—”

“God, Joe...this person what?” Luc demanded, impatient.

“This person is bad news. The secrecy? Someone hiding out in the shadows? It’s...” They all held their breath as Joe looked for the word he wanted to use. “...sinister. What the person has done, does, raises the hair on the back of my neck.”

Mariella gasped as that heavy freight train slammed into her.

“Who are we talking about?” she demanded, her heart in her throat.

Joe sent her an anxious smile and shook his head. “I don’t know, exactly, but in certain circles, this person is called the Fixer.”

* * * * *

A possibly fatal accident has taken out their beloved husband and father. Luc and Rafe are fighting—so what else is new?—but this time, for the paparazzi. Their sister, Elana, is tangled in the arms—and sheets—of her married lover and isn’t answering her messages. And now this stunning surprise! Just who is this mysterious person calling the shots for the mighty Marshall family?
