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“So you edit film?”

“I used to. I have a team who pores over the twenty-four hours of footage and then comes up with a storyboard for a forty-four minute show.”

Lexi perked up. “But you have experience.”

“Sure. Do you need help with something?”

“Well,” Lexi said, nodding eagerly, “my assistant, Chantal, has been following Emily and her fiancé around all week, leading up to the wedding. I’m determined to put something nice together for them but I’m afraid I’m going to overdo it on the footage or ramble. I don’t want the video to be boring.”

Flattered, Amelia nodded. “I’d be honored to don my story producer crown to help.”

“You’re already familiar with the terminology.” The beauty queen beamed.

“Let’s get some tea while we wait for Jolene.” Lexi stood and rubbed her hands against her pink slacks. “I don’t have to explain there’s sugar in it, do I?”

“Hell no.”

“Ugh,” Lexi moaned playfully and held her hand out to help Amelia to her feet. “Those Reyes men, gotta love ’em, eh?”

Love? Hmm, nah. Amelia shook off the notion and allowed Lexi to lead her into the kitchen. Love didn’t happen in the span of forty-eight hours. She’d tried putting two weeks of footage once into a believable fairy tale of falling in love in two days—completely unbelievable.

Chapter 8

“You’re smiling,” said Stephen Reyes, leaning against his brother’s shoulders to state the obvious.

Nate’s eyes swept over the toothy grin across Amelia’s face, laughing at whatever one of her friends just whispered in her ear. Shrugging his brother’s hand off, Nate rose from his spot on the couch, careful not to knock over the low round table filled with drinks of various sizes in Southern Charm’s VIP section.

Amelia Marlow sauntered toward him the only way Amelia could—seductively. He’d spotted her the moment she walked into the club, flanked by Lexi and Amelia’s cousin and looking more suited for a music video than a combined bachelor and bachelorette party. With the exception of the groom, every single man in the club had damn near broken his neck—in Nate’s eyes—for a peek at Amelia and her gorgeous long legs. Her height didn’t measure up to her cousin’s or Lexi’s, but she held her head high as a princess. The sway of her hips had his head moving from side to side. A strange brew of jealousy and desire twisted in his gut. He didn’t play the jealous type; however, his body craved another taste of Amelia. When he recognized the combination, Nate started to regret agreeing to come, but now he was pleasantly surprised.

“Nice to see you out,” Amelia’s strawberry-tinted lips mouthed. “Enjoying yourself?”

The contemporary song bounced off the speakers in all four corners of the VIP room. The volume made hearing her next to impossible, which Nate appreciated. Amelia stopped a half an inch from him, bringing along with her a sweet berry scent. His mouth watered but not for the fruit.

“I am now,” he answered. Instinctively his arms went around her shoulders. She pressed her light-colored fingernails against the fabric of his black T-shirt. The soft touch evoked an automatic erection, which strained against the fabric of his tan chinos. Nate cleared his throat. “I am surprised you came tonight.”

“I hadn’t planned on coming out,” Amelia said with a grim smile, “but since you kicked me out of the house I didn’t have many choices.”

“I didn’t kick you out,” said Nate, making air quotes with his fingers. “I just needed to concentrate on finishing up the work.”

“Thanks for kicking her out.” Lexi danced her way over to the two of them, wrapping her arms around their shoulders. “I needed to get out of my apartment, too.”

Cay came over, slapped her arms around Amelia and Nate’s shoulders, as well. “Whew, I needed to get out of the house. Those kids were driving me nuts.”

“Don’t talk about my babies.” Amelia winked at Nate. The corners of his mouth twisted with relief as she flirted with him. “She forgets she left the house last week.”

“Don’t forget—” Cay rolled her eyes “—you left me to find my own way home.”

A sweet, champagne-scented breath blew across his face when Amelia sighed in sarcasm. “I did you a favor. I called Gregory to come and get you. Don’t try and tell me the two of you did not take advantage of an evening alone.”

Gregory, the man Nate was introduced to earlier by Stephen, walked over to the group and asked his wife to dance. Stephen took the cue and led Lexi off. Alone, Nate wrapped his arms around Amelia’s waist. “I like what you’re wearing.”

“It’s a romper.” Amelia stepped out of his arms to twirl her frame. “Lexi insisted I get it.”

“She does know her fashion.” Nate made a mental note to thank his future sister-in-law.

“Yes.” Amelia stepped back into his arms. “But does she know how to take this off?”

Nate raised a brow. “Already trying to get naked for me?”
