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When I hear what sounds like a trashcan being tipped over, I quickly make my way inside to the safety of Hooligans. I hate that I feel like part of something here when, in fact, I am only an employee.

I rub my butt for security. ‘I got my own back,’ and that is a reality that I was completely all right with until two days ago. My past has come barreling back into the forefront of my mind, and now I’m skittish, to say the least.

“You okay?” Hendrix asks as he grabs my waist when I attempt to blow by him.

“Yep, fine,” I say, looking up into his deep brown eyes. I put my hands over his, my skin warming immediately. I allow myself to soak it up only for a moment before I push them away and look down. “Excuse me, please.”

At the end of the night, I leave, while he is taking care of the cash drawer again. It’s best to avoid any more awkward situations.

I stand at my car and try to unlock the door that has iced over due to the storm that came through a few hours ago. I chip at it a little bit and have the key just about in when I swear I hear my name.

I hear his voice, I think.


I jump and drop my keys, looking around me then into the dark night sky. My breathing escalates as I hear footsteps quickening and coming toward me. I feel a hand on my shoulder and immediately jump again and scream.

I start to run as an arm wraps around my waist from behind, stopping me.

“Please don’t,” I yell. “Oh, God, please.”

“Livi? What the hell is going on?”

Chapter Thirteen

She starts to shake as her hands fist my jacket, and she pulls me closer.

“Jesus, Livi,” I whisper as I look down to see tears are falling down her cheek. I can’t help pulling her against my chest. “It’s okay, girl.”

After a few moments, she stops shaking, and then I feel her start to pull away. I don’t want that to happen. It feels good to hold her, to be near her, but I let her go anyway.

She wipes her eyes and sniffs then bends down and looks for something.

“What did you lose?”

“My keys.” Her voice quivers.

“Okay, let’s find them.” I bend down to help her and notice the sewer grate near where she was looking. I pull my keys out, and using my keychain flashlight, turning the light down the drain. “Uh, Livi?”


“I think we may have a problem.”

She steps over and looks down. “Awe, pickles.”

“Your spare key is back under your fender. I can call a friend and get those ones tomorrow. No big deal.”

“My apartment keys are on it.”

“You have a super who lives in your building?”

She shakes her head as her lip quivers. “And I don’t have my spare, either.”

“You do. It’s under—”

“I took it out this morning.”

“Why would you of all people do that?” I laugh, trying to ease her worry, because apparently, now I want do that for her, too.

“I thought someone was following me last night.” She scowls as she rubs her ass. “It’s not at all funny.”

“Okay, tell me why you would think that.”

She looks up into my eyes. Her mouth starts to open, but she quickly snaps it shut and shakes her head.

“What do you mean, no? If you have a problem, then I need to know about it.”

She tilts her head and again looks at me. She is about ready to say something when her brows knit, and her jaw clamps shut again.

Now I get pissed.

“Not something to fuck around with. If you have someone who is fucking with you, I can take care of it.”

“It’s my problem.” She starts to shake again, and her teeth chatter. “I am a grown adult, and I—”

“Okay, well, get your grown ass in my ride, and you can stay with me tonight.”

“I can’t stay with you.” Her teeth are now chattering so loud I not only hear it, but see it.

“Then where you gonna go, Liv?”

As she shrugs, her eyes begin to glass over, but she is trying her damndest to look pissed. “Fine, but … but—”

“Let’s go.” I grab her hand and drag her behind me. She’s cold, scared, and defiant as hell, but she will damn well listen to me.

She tugs on my hand, so I hold tighter as I pick up my pace. “You walk with me, or I carry you.”

I hear her gasp, but it doesn’t stop me.

She doesn’t say a damn thing the whole time we drive to my place. Not a word when we pull in the garage, and I kill the engine. There’s still nothing as she gets out of the car and is greeted by Floyd.

We get upstairs where she takes off her black boots, and I kick off mine. She bends down and straightens them on the mat by the door, making me look down at them. Mine are twice the size of hers. They look odd sitting there like they belong together.
