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We go to dinner with Jamie before coming back for the night. Exiting the elevator, I freeze: Standing in front of our door is Marshall.

“Fuck!” Morrison barks out before tucking me in behind him. We walk down the hall and stop in front of Monte’s right-hand goon.

“I’m no threat, Aces. Just wanted to talk to Hailey.”

“Nothing to be said, Marshall,” I reply, moving to the side of Morrison, who tries to slide me back behind him. The chivalry is nice, though not necessary.

“I can understand that. Just wanted you to know I’m sorry I didn’t step in for you or Marisa. You gotta understand the players and the game. The life I’m in, I couldn’t help but so much.”

“Reasons and excuses, Marshall. If your reasons are wrong, don’t make excuses for the behaviors. And if you have to make excuses for something, double-check your reasons. In the end, wrong is wrong, and the life you’re in is wrong. I want better for my daughter, and I’m damn sure gonna give it to her.”

“I wish you the best, Hailey.”

“You’re done here,” Morrison barks out, taking my hand and lacing our fingers together.

Marshall nods and walks away.

I say nothing more, because there honestly isn’t anything to say. Marshall had a job to do, and he did it. If he’s not sleeping at night because of it, those are things he has to sort out. It’s not my burden to bear or my debt to pay.

We make our way inside. Morrison tells me I need to relax, and goes to draw me a bath. I head to my bag and pull out pajamas—and sure enough, in my haste I forgot to pack panties.

In all the shuffle, the gift bag from Livi falls out onto the bed, as do the contents. I laugh, thinking my girl knows me well, when not one but three pairs of panties fall onto the bed.

There is a card, which I open before studying the undergarments further.


As you read this, I want you to know you inspire me. Once, my choices were taken from me, and it took me what felt like a lifetime to understand it wasn’t my fault. Bad things sometimes happen to good people, just because bad things happen.

Monte took your choices away. Always remember in life, consent is fucking required. I have given you a new pair of panties with this very reminder for you. Monte took away your consent; take it back from him during this trip.

Morrison cares for you, even if he hasn’t said it yet. We can all see it. I had these panties made to remind you he’s got your back. We all do. ace in my pocket. You’ve got nothing but aces, babe. Caldwell aces.

After spending time with you and Marisa, I know you are an amazing mother, Hailey. You are also a tiny spitfire of a woman. caldwell’s little momma. You are part of this family. Don’t ever forget that.

Take your time on this trip to sort your past. Your future is here in Detroit, and Marisa will be fine with us until you are done.

With love and inspiration,

Livi Caldwell

Tears fill my eyes as I take in all of Livi’s words. I am part of a family, one with three strong brothers and a quirky, lovable woman, all proudly carrying the Caldwell name.

Morrison once told me his momma gave them all her last name to leave a legacy of good. I look up to the popcorn ceiling of the hotel and smile.

“He’s my good in a world of bad, Momma Caldwell,” I whisper before wiping my eyes of tears and gathering my things.

Then I run my hands over the lettering on the panties before picking a pair and making my way to the bathroom, where my future is waiting.

Chapter Twenty-One

I look up when she walks into the bathroom. She is smiling, emotions filling her eyes, and my heart swells.

“You ready for your bath, little momma?” I ask as I test the water one more time. “Hot and wet.”

She smirks and shakes her head.

“You wanna take those clothes off, or you want me to do it for you?”

She shrugs and says nothing.

“Cat got your tongue?” And damn if all I can imagine is her kitty having mine. She obviously knows what I’m thinking, ’cause she blushes and looks down.

I look up in the air and say, as if to myself, “Well, I’ll be damned. I give her my balls, and now I think she’s really ready for me to take ’em back. Thank God.”

“Gave you more than that,” she says as she looks up.

“So much more.” I stand and walk over to her. “Now I’m gonna give you something a little different.” I grab myself. “Okay, a lot different.”

I take the hem of her shirt and lift, letting my fingers touch the warm, soft skin beneath it. “I’ve been thinking a lot lately.” I run my hands around her waist and up her back. “Not just about being physically inside you, but so much deeper.” I unhook her bra and run my hand up beneath her shirt, then hold the back of her neck. “You know what I’m saying?”
