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Macen whirled on Liam. “You didn’t have a ‘dire work emergency’ last week.”

“No, mate. Our girl ovulated and…” He shrugged. “I thought you’d make an excellent father again. I gave you a couple of nights together to enjoy, so we could be sure it worked.”

Macen looked speechless and overjoyed. “A baby?”

Liam leaned in. “A son. Congratulations. My mum sends her best, too. She called me the minute it happened—literally. But I already knew.”

With a whoop, Macen picked her up and twirled her around, pressing an insistent kiss to her lips. The instant her feet hit the floor, Liam wrapped her between them with a laugh.

“That’s it,” Hammer declared. “If we’re going to have three children by next summer, you need to legally marry one of us.”

Something hopeful and wanting tugged at her heart. God, she’d love that—just one more way to entwine their lives. But she’d made a vow. “I won’t choose between you two, Macen. We’ve been over this.”

He acknowledged her with a thoughtful nod of his head, then turned to Liam. “What do you think?”

“I agree, mate. It will make things far easier legally, especially whenever there are hospitals involved again.”

They all remembered that terrible morning Bill had nearly killed her. Raine had called and cried for her two men, only to learn later that because they weren’t family legally, they hadn’t been allowed in the emergency room with her. Traditional marriage would make all the practical things like wills and deeds and titles a bit simpler. But it could complicate every other facet of their lives, especially the balance of their relationship.

“I know. But I won’t choose. Let’s be happy with the way things stand now.”

“What if Liam and I chose for you?” Hammer drawled.

She had never considered that. But Raine was secure in the fact that she loved them equally. “You’d both be happy with that?”

“Thrilled,” Hammer promised.

“Beyond.” Liam nodded.

“Wait. You’ve already decided which one of you…”

They both shook their heads.

“We’ll choose right here.” Her Irishman pointed to the ground.

“Yep.” Macen reached into his pocket. “Right now.”

He pulled out a quarter.

Raine gaped at them. “Seriously? You’re going to flip for it?”

“Got a better idea?” he challenged.

Liam raised a brow at her.

She paused, thought, tried a few ideas on for size…then shook her head and laughed. “No. It’s equal and fair.”

“Precisely.” Liam nodded.

“Okay, man. You call it,” Hammer said to him.


“I’ll take tails.” Macen winked at her. “I certainly like yours.”

With a laugh, she rolled her eyes. “Do it already.”

“And once it’s decided, we’re flying to Vegas and getting the deed done before leaving for Paris.”

Raine opened her mouth to object. She wanted a wedding night in her bed, a little more time with her daughters…

Liam shook his head at her in warning and tugged gently on her new collar. “That’s non-negotiable, love. Say yes.”

She wasn’t going to win this battle, and she could foresee a lot of occasions in the future when the testosterone would outweigh her estrogen. But they loved her and always wanted what was best for all of them. Besides, she had plenty of will of her own.

“I’m probably crazy but…yes.”

A wide smile broke across Macen’s face.

Liam looked pretty damn happy, too. “Do it, mate.”

“My pleasure.” He settled his thumb under the coin and, with a little jerk of his wrist, sent it hurtling into the air.

It sparkled in the light, spinning, twirling, nearly reaching the tall ceilings. As she looked up, they both reeled her in, planting their lips wherever they could—cheeks, forehead, lips, neck. Raine giggled.

The little clink of the coin hitting the hard floor sounded right beside her. When she tried to look, they both brought her face back to them.

She let out a frustrated huff. “Don’t you want to know?”

“I already do.” Liam laughed.

“It doesn’t matter to me,” Macen vowed. “Whatever the outcome, you belong to us both.”

Raine smiled at the men who had forever enriched her life with strength, fortitude, commitment, and love. “I do.”
