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Before he even finished his sentence, Liam circled behind her and hoisted her into his arms. “I’ve got you, love. And I’m not letting go.”

Raine looped her arms around his neck as he carried her to their bedroom. She cast her gaze up at him, hoping to latch on to the safety net of constancy in his eyes. There it was, just as he’d promised. He never faltered or shied away. As always, her Irishman was steady and determined to give her what she needed.

Just beyond him, she caught sight of Macen, watching her with the scrutiny of a Master and the concern of a lover.

God, she’d be empty without them both.

Though she felt held and supported in every way, a fine tremor still ran through her body. She curled up tighter against Liam’s chest. Everything inside her jumbled into a vulnerable sort of triumph. All in a few days, she’d confronted Macen’s potential legal troubles and her brother. She’d begun to face her fear. Tomorrow, she would accept the deaths of her mother and sister. She was growing stronger, healing.

And now she wanted to take this raw devotion spilling from her heart and give to her men.

Liam set her on the bed and followed her down, enveloping her left side. Seconds later, Hammer followed, plastering himself against her right. Raine breathed in the moment—their hands warming her skin, their lips in her hair, their voices in her ear.

She was safe. She was loved.

Now she needed their touch, to feel their reassurance deep inside her. She craved their three hearts coming together to beat as one because they were her life and her breath. They were every smile, every tear.

They were her soul.

Rolling to her side, she faced Liam, curling her hand around his head and caressing down, bringing him closer until their foreheads touched. She grabbed the strands of hair growing at his nape, kissed the bridge of his nose. The urge to draw him deeper bled into Raine and filled her chest until it hurt. When Hammer sidled up behind her, wrapping his beefy arm around her waist and brushing her hair aside to kiss his way down her neck, the ache of love only spread.

She was truly blessed.

Liam took her face in his hands and searched her expression. “Raine?”

“I’m okay now. Nothing is wrong.” She reached for Macen’s hand and brought it against her heart while tilting her head back to him. “It’s so right.”

Then Raine pressed forward. Liam met her halfway. Their lips collided. He surged in. She yielded. They melted together, tongues stroking, breaths mingling, heartbeats syncing. Desire drizzled through her blood, sweet, sugary, sinful.

“Let him in deeper, precious.” Hammer spoke against her ear. “I love to watch you accept the pleasure he gives you. Take it all. Yes…”

Macen’s voice swirled in her head, mixing with the languid, clever skill of Liam’s kiss to send her senses spinning. She shuddered, sinking into a chasm of arousal.

With another nip at the sensitive flesh of her neck, Hammer disentangled his fingers from hers and cupped her breast, leisurely flicking her nipple with his thumb. As she gave a supplicating arch toward his touch, he twisted the hard bud between his thumb and finger. Liam swallowed her gasp and gripped her hair in his fists, pulling just enough to jet the electric tingle in her scalp all the way through her body. His control over her kiss became utter command. Thoughts melted away as Raine tumbled into the endless moment.

She surged closer to Liam, seeking his body heat, relief from the ache seizing her lungs, boiling her blood. His cock grazed her belly, but it wasn’t enough of him. It never would be.

A frustrated moan slipped from her chest.

Liam broke the kiss, and it was Hammer’s turn to take her hair in his fist. His tug was gentle, but it left her no doubt in that moment that he’d taken charge of her. She tilted her head back toward him, giving in to his silent demand.

As if the men were on some silent wavelength, Liam took the opportunity Hammer had presented him to unclasp her top and release her breasts. Macen plucked at the little bow between her legs, exposing her pussy. Liam’s lips closed around her nipple while Hammer’s fingers slid against her slick furrow.

Desire converged, heavy and devastating.

She scratched at Liam’s shoulders, panting hard, skin melting, blood burning. “Please…”

Raine cried out for relief. Love. Dominance. Them.

As Macen rubbed toying circles around her clit, his lips brushed her ear again. “Your surrender is heady. Your begging makes us hard. Keep burning, baby. We’re going to push you to the edge of orgasm and make you hold it. When you’re desperate, that’s when I’ll work my fat cock into your narrow backside. You can plead all you like, but you’ll be forbidden to come, especially as Liam eases that thick crest of his into your little pussy one wicked inch at a time. Once you’re packed full of us, then…” His breath heated her nape as he chuckled. “But if you think you’re ready to beg now… Oh, you haven’t even started.”
