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Michael seemed to adore the older Italian woman.

Mrs. Fabbro spotted Rachel. “Buongiorno,” she said, nodding her gray head.

“Is it very late?” Rachel asked.

Mrs. Fabbro didn’t seem to understand the question, but she crossed to the wall, and pressed a button. “Signor Marcello vi aspetta.”

Rachel didn’t understand Mrs. Fabbro, either. She walked over and held her hands out, gesturing that she’d like to take the baby.

Mrs. Fabbro seemed most reluctant to hand Michael over, but after a hesitation, she did.

Rachel nuzzled Michael’s warm cheek. He smelled sweet and fresh. He must have had a bath this morning. “Has he eaten?” she asked. “Uh... Bottiglia di latte?” she stammered, trying to remember the words for bottle, or milk.”

“Si. Due.”

“He has.” Gio’s deep male voice came from behind her. “Two.”

“Two?” Rachel said. “He never drinks that much when he wakes up.”

“It’s nearly noon. He’s been up for hours.”

Her jaw dropped. “I had no idea. I can’t believe I slept that long.”

“I told everyone you weren’t to be disturbed, and Signora Fabbro has enjoyed her time with Michael. You’re going to find it difficult to keep him out of her arms. She loves babies and children. She hates it when they grow up.”


id she come with good references?”

“The best. She was Antonio’s and my nanny.” His expression softened as he looked at her. “I didn’t tell her Michael was Antonio’s until today. But I couldn’t deny it when she asked.”

“She guessed?”

“She knew he had to be mine, or his. He’s very much a Marcello.”

“You see the resemblance?”

“I do.”

“Are you still going to run another DNA test?”

“It won’t change the outcome, will it?”

Rachel shook her head.

“You used a reputable company for the testing. It’s a company I’ve used before—” He frowned, a crease forming between his strong black brows.

“You must be hungry.”

His abrupt change of subject made Rachel curious. What else was he going to say? “You’ve done DNA testing before, then?”

“It’s getting close to lunch. We should talk, after we’ve eaten.”

He wasn’t going to tell her, was he? Rachel hugged Michael, savoring his sweetness, and the light clean scent from his baby shampoo. “I can’t think of food until I have my coffee.”

“Are you a big coffee drinker?”

“I live in Seattle. We like our coffee.” The baby clearly didn’t want to be held so tightly. He wiggled and pushed back against her chest. Smiling, Rachel loosened her hold. “He’s feisty this morning. He’s definitely feeling better.”
