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LOUD VOICES KNOCK around in my head and it makes the pain in my temple worse. I try to lift my hand to rub the achy spot, but my arm feels too heavy to lift. I frown when I realize my neck feels stiff and something is covering my face. I don’t like it and want it gone. I squint my eyes open and the light doesn’t help the pain in my head. A whimper leaves my lips, but I force my eyes to stay open. Everything is blurry, and I try to focus. I need to find Luca. I need to tell him something. It’s important. Too important to wait.

I open my mouth to ask for him then realize I have a mask over my face. My body screams at me when I lift my arm to remove it, but damn it, I need Luca. A hand tries to stop me, but I’m too quick.

“Luca….” My voice sounds scratchy and frail, so I clear my throat and try again. “I need Luca.”

“It’s okay, miss,” a calm voice says right before a face appears over mine. “The paramedics just brought you into the emergency room. As soon as we assess your injuries, we’ll contact whoever you need us to.”

“No!” I’m shocked at how strong my voice comes out. “I need to see Luca now!”

Panic has me trying to sit up in bed. They don’t understand. I need to get to him. He has to know the truth.

The nurse tries to push me back down. “Please ma’am, let us make sure you’re okay fir—”

“Luca!” I scream and start thrashing on the bed. “Luca!”

My head pounds an uneven beat, but I ignore the pain and attempt to climb from the bed. More hands appear beside the nurse’s as they wrestle me back down.

“Ma’am,” a male voice calls. “If you don’t settle down, we’ll have to give you a sedative.”

It doesn’t matter, because my strength is depleted, and my head is turning fuzzy again. Once I’m forced back down on the bed, I look pleadingly at the female nurse. “Please.” My voice breaks.

She looks down at me with sympathy and pushes a swath of hair out of my face. “I’m sorry, sweetie. Let the doctors check you over, and I promise I’ll find this Luca for you.”

My nose burns and tears creep behind my eyes. I know I’m being irrational. I can talk to Luca once the doctors are done, but I don’t want to wait. He needs to know now. He deserves to know right now.

My eyelids feel like there’re weights hanging from them. Too heavy for me to keep them open anymore. It’s not a natural tiredness, and I know they must have shot something in the IV in my hand. A warm sensation starts in my chest and works its way through the rest of my body. My eyes drop closed, but slowly blink open again when I hear my name shouted. It’s muffled and sounds like it’s coming through a long tunnel. My head falls to the side and through my cloudy vision, I see Luca. Three security guards have him pinned to the wall across the hall from the room I’m in. His chest is rising and falling crazy fast. I frown, confused why he’s fighting them. His eyes are on mine, and the tortured look in them hollows my stomach. I try to lift my arm to reach for him, but it’s too heavy. I call his name, but the mask is back on my face and muffles the weak cry.

My eyes fall closed, and this time, don’t open again.

AN IRRITATING BUZZING sound wakes me. I keep my eyes closed for a moment when a sharp pain cr

awls across my forehead. Once it’s manageable, I crack open my eyes. Thankfully, the lights are low. I blink several times until my vision clears. Gingerly, I look around the room, realizing the sterile walls, the TV mounted across from me, and the uncomfortable bed I’m in mean I’m in the hospital. I close my eyes, trying to recall why I’m here, and it only takes me seconds to remember going to Theo’s, finding the box, him appearing, and my rush of memories.

My eyes snap open, and I frantically look around the room. A wave of pain and dizziness hits me at the sudden movement, and I clutch my head, my eyes closing of their own accord.

“Take it easy, baby,” a deep voice croons. Warmth wraps around my hand as it’s clutched in a tight grip.

“Luca.” I whisper his name. His voice soothes only part of the turmoil running through me.

“I’m here.”

I open my eyes and they land directly on him as he hovers over me, his brows pulled down into a concerned frown. I roll toward him, needing him closer to me. A sob escapes my tight throat. He lowers the bedside rail and climbs on the bed with me. He’s on his side facing me, one of his arms lying over my waist, his face only inches from mine. He’s still not close enough. I proceed to climb on top of him, but my stupid IV line is making it difficult. I growl in frustration and try yanking the line.

“Hey, hey,” he calls, halting my movements by sitting up and grabbing the hand that has the IV. I stop, and another pathetic sob breaks free. He does something to the bed that lifts the back part up, then messes with the IV line until it’s untangled around my arm. He gently lifts me onto his lap and scoots to the center of the bed. “Better?”

I nod against his chest, draw my knees up, and wrap my arm around him until it’s tucked between his back and the bed. I don’t know why I’m being so clingy. I just need him as close as I can get him.

My head rests against his chest, and I hear the hard beat of his heart. Tears slip down my cheeks, soaking his shirt. I briefly notice the shirt is scratchy and open my eyes to see it’s a light blue scrub shirt. I close my eyes again and breathe in his familiar scent. His hand rubs up and down my back, murmuring soft words in my ear, and I use his voice and soothing touch to calm the rampage of emotions running through me.

After several minutes, I lift my head, and it’s only then I notice the haggard look on his face. His eyes are haunted and the pain etching his face steals my breath and causes an unbearable pain to my chest.

“I’m sorry,” I croak.

He leans forward and places a soft kiss to my forehead. “You use those words a lot when you don’t need to.” His eyes run over my face, worry lining in his features. “What in the hell are you apologizing for?”

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