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Glad that she agreed, because I wouldn’t put it past Theo to come by and try to talk her into returning home with him, I get up from the stool. Grabbing both of our empty plates, I carry them to the sink.

“I can do the dishes,” she offers a few feet behind me.

“You cooked, I’ll clean.”

“Okay.” She hesitates for a moment before asking, “Do you mind if I take a shower?”

I turn to her. “For as long as you’re staying here, I want you to treat this house like it’s your own, okay?”

A smile tugs up her lips. “Okay. Thank you.”

I turn back to the sink, blow out a harsh breath, and run hot soapy water in the basin. I’m both nervous and anxious to see her reaction once she’s in Ink Me, wondering if it’ll spark a memory.



LUCA OPENS THE BACK door to Ink Me, and I step inside. Looking around, I take this to be a small break area. On one side there’s a small two-seater table against a wall. Across from that, on the other wall, there’s a fridge and a counter with upper and lower cabinets. The counter holds a microwave, a coffeepot, and a few other things.

I turn back to Luca when I hear the door close. When he mentioned this morning he had to go to work, anxiety was my first reaction. I didn’t want to be left alone, worrying the entire time if Theo was going to show up. I also just didn’t want to be alone, period. But it was more than that. I wanted to be where Luca was. He not only makes me feel safe, but so much more. I feel comfortable around him, and warm, and desired like a woman should feel. Not the creepy way that sends terrifying shivers down my body. Not the way Theo makes me feel. I hesitate with my thoughts, not wanting to get ahead of myself or stupidly give myself hope, but Luca makes me feel loved. There’s no reason or rhyme for it, but it’s there anyway.

“You can set your purse there.” He points to the table. “No one comes back here except employees, and it’ll just be us and Ella later.”

I nod and set my purse down. He leaves the room, and I follow him down a hallway. There are several doors on either side of the hallway. I peek inside each one and gather these are the rooms where he does tattoos. There are work benches and those big red metal tool boxes and chairs that look like ones you see in dentist offices.

When we walk into an open area with two long counters, a couple of leather couches and chairs, and the walls filled with pictures of tattoos and drawings, I come to a stop. Dizziness captures me, and I’m forced to grab on to the wall to hold myself up. I close my eyes and pull in several big lungful’s of air, trying to push the dizziness away.

“Jules?” Luca’s concerned voice has me opening my eyes. He’s standing in front of me, bent at the knees so we’re eye level, his beautiful blue eyes watching me worriedly. “Are you okay?”

I swallow, my mouth suddenly feeling like I swallowed cotton balls. “Yes.” My voice comes out scratchy. “A wave of dizziness just hit me.”

His expression turns troubled. “Come on. You need to sit.”

When he grabs my hand to lead me to one of the couches, an electrical wave zaps me. I feel his hesitation, so I know he felt it too. Just as we’re walking out from behind the counter, I pull him to a stop.

“Wait,” I tell him, and he turns to me. “I’m fine now.”

His eyes search mine. “Are you sure?”


I want to snatch his hand back in mine when he releases me, but I refrain from doing so. He steps to the side, but I still feel his eyes on me as I look around the room. I move to the left and look inside the glass cases.

“You do piercings as well?” I ask as I look at all the different kinds of jewelry.

“I don’t, but Ella does.”


I move along the counter until I reach the end, then start looking at the frames on the wall. Some of the pictures are ones of actual tattoos and some are drawings. I knew Luca had to be good because of his profession, but I didn’t realize just how good.

I come to a stop when a strong sense of déjà vu hits me. It takes me a minute to catch my breath because the feeling is so strong.

“I feel like I’ve been here before,” I murmur with a frown. I turn back to the counter, still expecting to see Luca behind it, but I’m surprised to see him standing only a few feet from me, staring at me watchfully. “I’ve been here before.” Somehow, I know it’s the truth.


My brows drop further. “But how do you know?”

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