Page 81 of Endless Obsession

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Stepping out of the shower, I run the towel roughly over my body, before wrapping it around my hips. I grab my phone from my pants pocket and sit at the desk to answer a few emails. I’m sure Poppy went straight to the shower also, and she’s probably still in there, so I’ll give her a bit of time to finish up.

There’s one email that I’m most interested in. It’s from Eric, with the subject line “Cellphone Number Inquiry.”


He wasn’t able to find out anything. He said something about their security system being unhackable. It’s a fucking cellphone company, how hard can it fucking be? Eric is good, damn near as good as me, so I don’t understand why he’s having trouble with this. Looks like I’ll need to take care of it myself.

There’s another email from Rex, letting me know that there’s been no news on the guy that broke into Poppy’s house. He still has a man on her place while she’s gone, but nothing’s happened so far.

I go through a couple more emails, before looking at the time on my phone. Thirty minutes have passed since I sat down. She should be done by now, and if she’s not, I’ll go in there after her. I pull on a pair of worn jeans before opening the door. I’m surprised when I see Poppy standing at the window. It’s not dark yet, but the sun has dropped low enough that the sky has a beautiful pink and purple glow to it. The lights on the skyscrapers surrounding us are starting to flicker on. Once it’s full dark, the view from up here is amazing. Poppy will love it.

She hasn’t noticed me yet, so I walk on bare feet over to her. My reflection alerts her of my arrival. I hear the hitch in her breathing when her eyes meet mine in the glass. She’s wearing a pale blue tank top, paired with white cotton shorts. I can tell by the hard points of her nipples she’s not wearing a bra, and it makes my mouth water. Her tanned skin glows against the material. She’s unbraided her hair, but it’s off her shoulders and piled messily on top of her head.

I stop just before my chest meets her back. Her shoulders rise and fall as she breathes in and out heavily. I hold her gaze in the window and run a finger down the back of her neck, causing her to shiver. I smile and lean forward until my lips barely touch her ear.

“Do you have any idea how beautiful you are?” I whisper.

It’s barely noticeable, but I hear her quiet moan. I peek my tongue out and run it over the shell of her ear before taking the lobe into my mouth. She tips her head to the side and closes her eyes. I close the distance between us until her back meets my bare chest. I’ve felt Poppy before, but this is different. Right now, I’m with her as Asher. There’s no wondering who I am. I don’t have to pretend, or alter my accent. It’s me and her, and it feels damn good.

My hands land on her hips and I pull her back even closer to me. I move my hands and splay them across her stomach, feeling the warmth of her skin. Goosebumps appear on her belly and she sighs. I trail my mouth over her shoulder and she grinds her ass against me, causing my dick to grow even more. I growl and nip the soft skin of her neck where it meets her shoulder. Her whimper has me almost losing control, but I manage to keep it together.

“You fucking drive me insane,” I groan.

“Asher,” she moans, and I swear on my damn life, hearing that will always be the greatest fucking sound to my ears. “Please.”

I bring my hands up, bringing the tank top with them, and stop just below her generous tits. One of her hands lifts and covers mine, trying to force my hand higher.

“What do you want, baby? Tell me,” I demand.

She arches and wiggles her ass against me again, and I can see in the window her other hand clenched into a fist. She still has her head tipped to the side, but her eyes are now open, looking at me.

“I want you to touch me.” Her voice is small and breathless.

“Where?” I ask, needing to hear her say it.

“My breasts.” She stops, but then grabs my other hand and places it right over her center. “And here.”

It’s a move I didn’t expect from her, but one that has my eyes rolling into the back of my head from the pleasure of it.

“Are you hungry for me, Poppy?” I use two fingers and apply light pressure to her pussy. She squirms a bit and nods.

“Speak. I want to hear you say it.”

“Yes,” she says with a quivering voice.

“Good, because I’m fucking ravenous for you.” I give her what she wants and palm her tit.

She lifts one hand and reaches back to run her fingers through my hair. She grabs a handful and brings my mouth back down to her neck. She’s fucking bold when she’s horny. She wasn’t like this when I was with her that night as Sterling, nor the night when I watched her get off from her window. I can only hope that it’s because it’s me that’s with her and she wants me more.

Tweaking her nipple with one hand, I use the other to slip inside her shorts. I groan when I find her not wearing any panties. My fingertips meet the folds of her pussy. I separate my fingers just enough to slip them on the outside of her lips, completely avoiding her clit. Women love to be teased, and Poppy’s no different. Her hips thrust forward with a whimper. I chuckle at her ear and give it another nip.

“Be still, and I’ll give you what you want.”

Her head falls back on my shoulder, giving me the perfect view of her tits. One is showing from when my hand lifted her shirt a few minutes ago, so I lift the rest of the material over her head. Her head comes up from my shoulder to peer outside.

“Someone might see us,” she says.

“No, they won’t. We’re too far up and too far away.”
