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“Satisfy my curiosity,” I said. “Did Struthers come to you, or did you somehow find him?”

Martin seemed only too pleased to brag. “A stroke of good luck and retribution for putting up with Evil Edith. Struthers couldn’t get passed Edith to Ian. He had the reputation of being an ambulance chaser. Edith referred him to Ian’s lawyer. He discovered I represented Ian—”

“You mean you once did,” I corrected, and he ignored me.

“Struthers insisted on coming here and talking with Ian. Naturally, I talked to him first and low and behold he intended to offer Ian a deal. He wanted money, a substantial amount, to get rid of the papers. I know Ian well. He never would have gone for it. But I wasn’t about to lose out. I convinced Struthers to walk with me in the woods to point out the potential of the land and explain how much Ian could make off it. I detailed the condos and how he could have one without cost to him. He was so enthralled with greed that it took him a moment to realize I’d slit his throat. Shooting him would have been so much easier, but I couldn’t chance the shot being heard. What I didn’t find out until I went through Struthers things was that he didn’t have the documents that mattered. They were someplace here, I thought in the lodge. It was easy to come and go from there, Ian not having the security he should. And I was pissed when I discovered that the idiot Struthers didn’t have the key mentioned in the document. It wasn’t a worry though, I figured whatever it opened I could easily get open. But all I found was an old letter advising Max that William Struthers, his friend and lawyer, had retired.”

“The photographer?” I asked.

“A second-rate paparazzi who was in the wrong place at the wrong time.” He turned a glare on me that could kill. “I barely escaped that night. You did a job on me. That was some swing.”

I had to keep him talking. “Were you stalking me that you’d knew where I’d be?”

“Your friend Amy. I realized if I kept watch on her, I’d find out what you were up to. I heard her that night in the local liquor store talking about a girls’ night with you. I figured it was worth a watch and you didn’t disappoint. Though when I heard about the key you found, it pissed me off.”

“It wasn’t the key,” I said.

He was curious this time. “Then how did you find the documents?”

“Luck,” I said and thought of something else to keep him talking and gain me time. “Why did you dump the car by the lake?”

“My one mistake. It was supposed to go into the lake right off the boat launch, but the overgrowth was thicker than I expected, and it got jammed up and I had no time to free it.”

“You knew about the boat launch?”

He laughed. “You think I would come here without checking out the area first, especially after what Struthers told me.” He waved the knife. “Enough! Hand over the file.”

“You really think you’ll get away with this, Martin?” I asked, a continuing growl coming from the bedroom. “The weapon you killed Struthers with was found. Not smart burying it in the woods.”

“I wasn’t about to take a chance and keep it on me. But I thought I might need it again, which obviously I did, and I figured I’d plant it on someone when I got done. Another plan of mine you foiled.” He waved the knife he held in the air. “I swiped this one from Ian’s place. I’ll plant it in one of the male models’ rooms. That should put your dad off the scent for a while.”

“You won’t get away with this,” I said, casually letting my glance roam to see if he had left the door unlocked. He had.

“No one will ever suspect me. I’ve only let myself be seen on occasion. No one can place me anywhere that would make me a suspect. I’m not even on your father’s radar. Now hand the file over and don’t make this more difficult than it needs to be.”

I laughed. “You think I’m just going to let you slit my throat?”

“You’re going to die today, Pepper. It can be an easy death or a painful one. I’ll leave that up to you,” Martin said confidently.

“I’m not dying today,” I said and saw what he didn’t—Roxie creeping up on him, slow and silent. I took a few steps to my left, knowing he would follow so he couldn’t spot Roxie.

“No one’s coming to your rescue, Pepper. When I heard that your father had taken Beau in for questioning and Ian was with him, I figured it was my last chance. Kill you, find the documents, and finally be done with it.”
