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We were interrupted a few times with people calling out a greeting to Burke or stopping by the table to say hello to us both.

“Want to make a bet that the gossip mill has us in a relationship by tonight,” Burke said with a teasing twinkle in his eyes.

I rolled my eyes. “That’s a bet no bookie would take.”

Burke gave a nod to my right. “The gorgeous people have arrived.”

I turned my head to see Ian, along with two other male models and two female models follow a waitress to a table. One of the male models, Beau, if I remembered his name correctly, spotted me and waved, which had Ian turning.

He didn’t hide his surprise and he didn’t hesitate to walk over to me.


“Hey, Pep,” Ian said and leaned down and kissed my cheek.

Of course, I had to blush.

Burke introduced himself, stretching out his hand. “Burke Strathmore, old friend of Pepper’s, and she doesn’t take well to being called Pep.”

“She does from me,” Ian said and gave his hand a hardy shake.

“Burke and I went all through school together,” I explained, though why I offered an explanation I didn’t know.

“Old classmates,” Ian said as if my explanation satisfied something.

“Old, close friends,” Burke said, as if somehow it sounded like a challenge of sorts.

“Lunch with friends?” I asked, nodding to where Beau and the others were seated, hoping to diffuse whatever was going on between the two men.

Ian’s hand went to rest on my shoulder. “I tried to ring you, hoping you’d join us, but you didn’t pick up.”

I spoke without thinking. “Vibrate.”

“What?” both men asked.

“I left my cell on vibrate since I was busy with pumpkins,” I explained, though it made no sense.

“You picked up for me,” Burke reminded as if he was special.

I checked my pockets, though knew it was a futile search, then looked up at Ian. “Left my phone in my truck. I’m sorry I missed your call.”

“No’ a problem, Pep. Enjoy your lunch with your old classmate and I’ll see you later for supper and that film.”

He bent down and this time he kissed me on my lips and not just a brief kiss, one that left me stunned speechless.

“Pleasure meeting you, Burke,” Ian said and walked away.

“Damn, if gossip isn’t going to burn up the wires after that kiss,” Burke said with a touch of annoyance. “And me just sitting here like a lump on a log.”

“Whoa,” I said, holding up my hand. “We’re on a non-date and I’m not in a relationship with Ian.”

“Could have fooled me and everyone else who saw that kiss. Come on, Pep, you’re no fool. He staked his claim on you with that kiss.” Burke chuckled, his annoyance suddenly gone. “I can’t wait to hear what your brothers are going to say when they hear about this.”

“I’m not a teenager anymore,” I reminded him.

“You might want to remind them of that.” He waved for the waitress. “I don’t know about you, but I could use a drink.”

I was about to agree when the waitress delivered two glasses of white wine to our table.

“Compliments of Ian Macgregor, Sauvignon Blanc, he says it’s your favorite.” She sighed and whispered, “You’re so lucky.”

Burke shook his head and laughed as the waitress walked away. “I’ve got to give it to him, the cover model plays the game well.” He raised his glass high and nodded toward Ian.

“I’m not a game piece to be played at someone’s whim,” I snapped and took a sip of wine because I needed it. “This is all your fault.”

Burke grinned. “Hey, I couldn’t have asked for a better time on a non-date lunch. I forgot how entertaining you can be.” His eyes turned wide, and he fought to contain his laughter. “Hold on to your hat, Amy’s headed this way.”

“Oh, Lord,” I cried softly.

“I think He’s even getting a good laugh out of this,” Burke said and stood. “Amy, join us.” He pulled a chair out for her.

She sat and looked from Burke to me. “What’s going on here. I got an earful from Tabby McGuire, she’s the hostess here, that I better get over here and not miss out on what’s going on with you, the cover model, and Burke Strathmore.”

“We’re the talk of the town,” Burke said with glee.

“Hey, sweetheart, don’t you look luscious,” Beau said, coming up behind me and leaning down to kiss Amy on the cheek. “You haven’t stopped by the lodge like you promised you would.”

“She’s been busy,” I said, annoyed how this non-date lunch was turning out.

“Too busy to have a drink with me and the crew when you’re done here talking with your friends?” Beau asked, bending down alongside Amy and turning a look on her that would melt most women.

“Maybe one drink,” Amy said, flirting right back with an ease I was never able to master.
