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Rory felt foolish now. Of course, I should’ve figured it out. Paparazzi. Arsen, however, seemed distracted.

“Listen, Rory, I’m done here. Can we go someplace and get a cup of coffee?” he said as he put on some sunglasses and looked once again to where the tall, blonde woman was walking on the sidewalk. Rory thought she saw a hint of recognition in his eyes, but didn’t think it’d be polite to inquire.

Besides, Rory was taken aback by his invitation. She had merely come to say hi to him. Coffee, with Arsen? Say no! Say no right away.

“Actually…” she started, “I know just the place.” Goddammit, Rory!

“Great. Let's go.”

“Aren’t you worried about the paparazzi following you and taking your pictures with me around? Do you really want more rumors flying about you? ‘Rock god Arsen Ford Seen With Plain Jane Townie.’” Rory joked.

“I don’t live

my life on their terms. They can click away all they want for all I care. And besides, you are no Plain Jane.” There was a flirty gleam in his eye that sent a flutter through her heart.

“Look who the cat dragged in!” Martha exclaimed as she saw Rory enter the bakery.

“Hey, Martha.” A smile instantly came upon Rory’s face as the old woman’s positive energy hit her.

Martha came out from behind the counter to hug her. While they said their hellos, Arsen stood awkwardly by the side, looking around at the charming cafe. He had tied up his hair and was trying to maintain a low profile. Rory wondered if the fare here would be up to his standards. But she didn’t care; she had to get her fix of Martha’s delicacies.

“Martha, this is my friend Arsen,” Rory said.

“Hello, Arsen. Looks like you got yourself in a mess there,” she said, pointing to his limping foot and the walking stick. Martha, nosy as always, Rory chuckled.

“Well… just a small accident. Nothing serious.”

“That’s good to hear. You kids are just in time. I just pulled out a new batch of pound cake and some hand pies. Wait, let me serve it to you while it’s hot.” With that Martha rushed back toward the kitchen.

“She seems quite a handful,” Arsen smirked.

“Don’t say that.” She stopped herself from hitting him on his arm just in time. “She is a very nice lady…. even if she is a bit nosy now and then.”

The cafe was nearly empty, with just one other couple sitting at a table, munching away. They grabbed a table for two right at the end, as Arsen did not want to be in the direct line of sight of any paparazzi that might be hovering outside.

“This place has the best stuff ever. My grandmother used to bring me here when I was a child and Martha here has practically known me my whole life. Wait till you taste the cupcakes.” Rory was excited at the prospect of sampling the goodies that were about to be served to her.

“I don’t like cupcakes,” Arsen laughed.

“How can anyone not like cupcakes?” Rory gasped.

“Because… they’re gross.” He wrinkled his nose in a mighty cute way.

“Cupcakes are gross?” Rory raised her eyebrows. “You are a weirdo.” She laughingly hit him on the arm.

“If you keep slapping my arm like this, I’m going to need a cast for that, too.” Arsen gestured, making Rory laugh only to notice Arsen’s piercing gaze focused on her face.

“You came here often with your grandma?” Arsen said as he looked at the menu.

“Ever since I was a child.” Rory smiled. “Back in the day this island wasn’t a travel destination. The streets were safer and everyone knew everyone. So Granny and I used to cycle together all the time. She was my tourist guide and would tell me stories about the people and the landmarks as we cruised slowly around.” Rory was lost in a different time.

“That sounds like a happy childhood.” Arsen smiled.

That’s because you haven’t met my parents, Rory wanted to say, but didn’t.

“Vacations here were the highlight of my childhood, yes. This bakery used to be at a different location, much closer to where I stay. I’ve spent hours running around on trails, playing silly games, and getting myself injured in the process,” Rory laughed.

“I bet you were a handful. I bet your grandma got sick of you,” Arsen teased.
