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His question took her by surprise. After all, it was not a question that she was asked often. Rory stared out into oblivion as she thought of how to answer such a question. A part of her was tempted to unload all of her troubles on him and tell him of all the problems and the worries that she lived with on a daily basis.

But she looked up at him and Arsen was staring at her with a calm, content look in his eye. He looked like a man who was happy in the current moment. Much unlike the weary man she had met on that rainy night.

She was tempted to confess all of her troubles and fears. After all, he won’t be around tomorrow to remind me of this. But she couldn’t get herself to do that. Not when he stood there so happy and content.

“I’ve got nothing to struggle for,” she replied finally.

“Of course. Pretty girls have nothing to struggle for. They have it easy,” he joked. Although a part of her took offense at his assumption that it all came easy to her, Rory could not help but focus on the fact that he had once again referred to her as pretty. This time she decided to confront him.

“You live in LA. You’ve probably had affairs with countless actresses, models, singers, and whoever else. You are constantly surrounded by some of the most beautiful women in this world and you are calling me pretty?”

Arsen just smiled a knowing smile. The question didn’t bother him like it may have other men. Neither did it put him on the defensive.

“Beauty is not just about what is out here…” He caressed her face gently with the outside of his hand, sliding it slowly down to her chin. “But about what is in there.” He tapped twice on her heart with his knuckles and stared straight into her eyes. If there was a doubt in her mind about his words, she didn’t feel it because in that moment, staring into the eyes of one of the biggest rockstars in the world, Rory knew that what he just said was not a lie.

“Tell me you have not felt one spark and I will call you a liar,” he continued in a low voice, taking steps that took him closer to her, sending a chill of awareness down her back.

“Tell me you don’t see what I see in your eyes in mine, and I will call your bluff. Ever since that morning, when you walked into that living room of yours, where I had slept the night… I have only had eyes for you. Could you not see it?”

When did our faces come so close together, Rory thought. Unlike how it happened in romantic films, she couldn’t feel his breath. But there was a heat between their bodies. His fists were clenched and Rory knew that he was itching to grab her in his arms. Rory knew that she wouldn’t stop him if he did. Dear God. He’s right. There is not just a spark but a whole damn explosion waiting to happen between us. Rory, just get out of this room. You don’t need this.

His body inched closer to hers and his hands unclenched, rising up to hold her by the arms. Rory ordered herself to move, but her body stayed still. No words were necessary. She could see what he meant; all she had to do was look in his eyes and in this breathless moment, they were mirrors that reflected her own affection.

Finally she felt his breath on her skin. His lips were a whisker away from hers and she felt thunder strike her heart. As she opened the eyes she had closed unknowingly, she heard the sound of someone opening the door. From the corner of her eye, she saw the tall blonde Tanya Cox striding right in.

“There you are, Arsen. We’ve been looking all over for you.”

Arsen let go of Rory’s hands slowly.

“For what?” he said without turning around.

“You forgot? I knew you would.” She smiled at him. “We’re supposed to shoot a segment for my reality show featuring you guys, remember? Can we get started with that already?”

“Do we have to do it now?” Arsen raised his voice.

“Not unless you no longer want promotion for your upcoming tour.” She stood with her arms crossed. What a snotbag, Rory thought to herself.

“Can’t this wait?” Arsen turned around.

“We have waited enough, Ar

sen. Haven’t you had enough ‘distractions’ for the day?” Tanya glanced slyly at Rory.

Through the corner of her eye, Rory saw Don enter the room.

“Oh, you found him. Arsen, let’s go shoot this thing. Mickey and the boys are ready out there and you know how it is. Once Mickey gets high he won’t be good for any work.”

Arsen turned to Rory.

“You gonna be okay?” His face had a disappointed look.

“Of course. I’ll be fine. You go do your job.” She tried to smile but failed.

“I won’t be long.” She was tempted to hold him back, tempted to tell him to stay, but couldn’t. For a moment Arsen hesitated, as if he wanted to lean in and kiss her, but he didn’t.

Rory knew that Arsen didn’t want to go. He had held onto her hand for as long as possible. Something that made Tanya Cox frown. If she didn’t despise the woman earlier, Rory now did with all of her heart.

This was the most romantic thing that had ever happened to her. The tension between them was unbearable and her heart was beating like it never had before. It seemed unreal somehow.
