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Was it some strange fetish? Some strange idea in his head? Was I just a conquest for him? Maybe he just got bored of the blonde bombshells that surround him and wanted a simple girl for a change. But then why did he not go through with it?

Tanya Cox.

Both the times Arsen was about to make a move on her, Tanya Cox had interrupted. Maybe I should thank her for saving me from falling deeper into this rabbit hole.

Had Arsen walked into the room at that moment, she would’ve probably thrown a lot of stuff at him. Rory hated herself for being foolish to fall for such a man. She put her head down on the table and closed her eyes. Arsen’s handsome face, with that dimpled smile, came up in her mind. He seemed real. He seemed genuine. Being with him made me feel whole. A part of Rory still believed all that he had said, and she hated that part of herself.

“Enough,” Rory said out loud. There was work to do, and there was no point wallowing in self-pity.

Rory checked her phone, but there were no texts from anyone. There was a call from what looked like her sister’s office phone number and a couple of missed calls from Lizzy’s home phone. I bet she’s calling in sick again. She hadn’t turned up yesterday and Rory had decided to let it slide, thinking that Lizzy probably had a big hangover to deal with, but she would hear about it today if she didn’t show up.

After two hours of going through the paperwork, Rory was sure that she couldn’t handle all of the expenses herself. She had come face-to-face with the harsh reality that she would need to make a solid payday were she to pay for all the maintenance expenses. Unfortunately at this point, she had no prospects and no hope for earning a solid, steady income.

Rory had two choices: either ask—or rather beg—her parents to bail her out, or concede the property to Tara. Maybe she will let me live here as a caretaker. There was indeed a third choice, but it saddened her just to think about it—to sell all the inventory in the bookstore at half price and close up shop. She would indeed be incurring a loss, but at least she would generate some much-needed cash.

Rory had to make one of the three choices and she had to make it right away. Maybe my parents will be in a good mood at Tara’s wedding and I can ask them then! As she was without any other ideas, this seemed like a chance worth taking. If not, then it was goodbye to all the precious books that sat in the bookstore. Maybe a sale wouldn’t hurt. I need cash for LA anyway.

Rory had just pulled out a piece of chart paper to make the For Sale sign when she heard the door to the shop open and saw Lizzy’s mother enter. Rory was taken aback for a moment, considering that Marla, Lizzy’s mom, rarely ever made her way to the bookshop.

“Hey, Marla.”

“Rory,” Marla replied, her lips pressed together. Whether she was angry or upset, Rory couldn’t decipher. It was only when Marla’s lips started twitching that Rory knew that something was wrong.

“What’s going on, Marla?” She rushed to the older woman and held her hands to steady her.

“Rory. It’s Lizzy. She has been missing for two days.”

Chapter 18

It was a sometime after sunset when Rory realized that she had not eaten anything the whole day. She felt starved, even though she was in the middle of a crisis. The day had been a rollercoaster of emotions, and Rory had no clue what to do about the Lizzy situation. What Rory did know was that it was all her fault.

Marla, Lizzy’s mother, had broken down crying. She was a hysterical mess and it took a long time for Rory to calm her. Her frantic calls to Lizzy had gone straight to voicemail. There were no texts from her either, and she was offline on all messaging apps.

Rory was worried. She forgot everything else that was going wrong in her life. This was far more important. Lizzy, her flower child, the little sister that she never had, had gone missing. Oh, where are you, Lizzy? I hope you haven’t gotten yourself into a serious mess this time.

Realizing that even Rory had no clue where Lizzy was, Marla wanted to call 911, but Rory advised her to hold off for the moment. As worried as she was, Rory’s first thought was that Lizzy was onto some silly mischief and calling the cops would only embarrass her mother. But why wouldn’t she answer phone calls?

Rory had checked her emails but there was nothing from Lizzy. It was only when Rory logged in to Instagram that she found a message from Lizzy that was sent a day ago.

Roryww. Can u believe I’m still at Mickey’s villa and u won’t believe what I am about to do? Mickey is flying me on his private plane to LA for the award show and OMG, I can’t believe it. I think I’m in love!!! Don’t worry, he’s treating me right. He’s not the bad guy everyone thinks he is. I think he likes me back 2. He’s so amazing Rory. I’d marry him right now if he asked me to and make babies with him. lol Oh Rory I wish u were here. I am so happy right now. I will see u when I get back from lalaland. Lots of love. Xoxo. P.s. Will u please tell my mom I’ll be back in some time. I’m scared to call her myself or she will guilt me out of it. U R the best!!! Muaahh.

It didn’t take long for Rory’s temper to rise and if Marla was not sitting in close proximity, Rory would’ve hurled a hundred epithets at Mickey. Goddammit. I should’ve made sure that Lizzy came back with me after the party. Shit. Why did I even agree to go to that damn thing? Why did I even bring these people into our lives? God knows what Lizzy is up to, what that uncivilized bastard Mickey has gotten her to do.

The thought scared her. She had read enough stories of eccentric rock stars and what they do with groupies to fear for Lizzy. The worst was that Lizzy probably wouldn’t see it coming till it was too late. It?

??s all my fault. Shit, Rory, how could you be so stupid? Leaving Lizzy alone in a mansion full of celebs.

“Rory?” Marla’s voice brought Rory out of her guilty thoughts and she immediately put on a polite smile.

“Any news of Lizzy, Rory?” Marla asked.

“Oh yes. It looks all good. She says that she has gone to LA with some friends and will be back in a few days,” Rory lied.

“To LA?” Marla’s eyes grew as big as golf balls.

“Yes. That’s what she said.”

“She hasn’t ever been out of Montcove. She can barely make her way around town by herself. What the hell is she doing in LA?” Rory had never heard the word “hell” out of God-fearing, churchgoing Marla, and it said everything about how hysterical she was at that moment.
