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“Well, Marla you know how kids are—impulsive and unafraid. But I don’t think you need to worry about anything. She is with… good people.” It took a lot for Rory to get the words out of her mouth, but to alleviate Marla’s fears, she lied again.

“But… she didn’t take any luggage with her. Oh Jesus! LA is such a big city. My poor baby, all by herself in that city. What if something happens to her?” Marla covered her mouth with her hand as worst-case scenarios played in her head.

“Marla, please don’t worry like that. She messaged me to tell you that she’s okay.”

“Why isn’t she taking my calls then?”

“Maybe there’s some problem with her phone or maybe she’s just scared that you’ll yell at her.”

Marla sat in contemplation for a moment, half-believing what Rory said.

“Rory, you’re from LA.” Marla said it as if it were a bad thing. “Is there someone who you can call… someone who can check up on Lizzy?”

“Marla, there’s really nothing to worry about.” Rory patted her back and tried to console her.

“But Rory… I know Lizzy. She’ll never be okay by herself. You’d be doing me a huge favor if you could figure out a way to check up on her.”

Rory knew that it would seem like a lie if she told Marla that she really didn’t know anyone who would be kind enough to check up on Lizzy. Since her bestie Alicia moved to NYC, there really wasn’t anyone she could count on. And even if there were someone, where would they start? It’s a big city full of people. How do you find one small-town girl in that sea of people?

“Rory?” Marla looked at her with pleading eyes. “Can you do something?”

There really was no saying what Lizzy would get herself into, and Rory knew that unless she did something herself, Marla would call 911. It took a split second for her to make the decision that she had been dreading to make for weeks.

“Marla. I’ll go to LA myself and find Lizzy. Don’t worry about it, okay?”

“You’d do that for me, Rory?” The expression on Marla’s face left no doubt in Rory’s mind about how grateful Lizzy’s mom was.

“Of course. Lizzy’s like a sister to me. Besides, I have to attend my sister’s wedding anyway. This way I’ll only be a few days early.” Rory tried to comfort her, as she didn’t want Marla to feel as if she was in her debt.

“Thank you, Rory. Thank you. You have no idea what this means to me.” Marla hugged her tightly.

As worried as she was about Lizzy and as eager as she was to go find her, the thought of being in LA and staying with her family that long was distressing. Her plan had been to arrive on the day before the wedding and leave as soon as possible the day after. She didn’t want to spend a minute more than she was required to. Be more selfish, she said to herself sarcastically.

As she packed her bags, Rory thought about how she would go about finding Lizzy. After much contemplation, she decided that she would call the management office of the band and figure out where Mickey was. Or maybe I can buy a star map and just show up at Mickey’s house.

Rory thought about asking for help from Arsen, but given the weird manner in which they had said goodbye, she rejected the idea. Besides, she was sure that she could get in touch with Don. He seemed the nicest of them all and she was sure he would help.

Rory chuckled as she packed the ridiculous bridesmaid’s dress. She was pleased that she had refused the instructions of her mother and had not tried on the stupid thing. Her little rebellion. A rebellion that would only make you look like a moron when the dress doesn’t fit right. But that was not her headache. She was sure that Tara would find a solution to that as well. It’s her wedding and she’s the one insisting on making it look perfect.

As always, Rory felt strange as the flight to Los Angeles took off. Montcove was her home now and leaving it caused her a lot of despair. Taking off to go to LA even more so. Rory tried to shut her eyes and relax, but thoughts of what Lizzy might be up to kept coming back.

Mickey was a degenerate and Lizzy was persuaded easily enough to try things that she otherwise wouldn’t. Who knows what messed-up sexual fantasies he has or what drugs he has gotten her to try. Oh God, he probably has a whole bunch of STDs.

As the plane neared LA, Rory’s worries grew. She had no doubt that Lizzy would throw herself at Mickey at the smallest invitation. The chance of being validated by the attention of a celebrity was too much for her to reject. Rory resigned herself to the fact that Lizzy probably has already done a few things that she will regret in the time to come.

Just as I have done myself.

It always happened like this. Going to LA always brought out old memories that she had buried deep within herself. Rory always blamed her dislike of the city on her upbringing and the plastic nature of the town, but deep inside she knew that there were more reasons to it.

And the last thing she wanted Lizzy to do was to make the same mistakes she had. Lizzy always blamed Rory for being boring and drab, but to Rory, who had matured since her years as a foolish young girl, being boring was better than being heartbroken.

The city that she loathed lay spread out below her. The plane was minutes away from touching down. Rory took a deep breath and exhaled slowly. There was a lot to be done here, so she had to act fast. Rory hurriedly buried her miserable thoughts at the back of her mind and geared up for what was about to come.

Chapter 19

After landing, Rory sat in a coffee shop close to LAX airport. All the worrying had strangely famished her and she wanted to carb up before she ran around town trying to figure out where Lizzy was.

She thought about going to her parents’ house first, but she wanted to avoid that meeting for as long as she could. Besides, her number one priority was Lizzy. She had called the phone number that was on the card that Don had given to her in Montcove but it was switched off. Given the fact that the man carried a bunch of cellphones, she figured that it was a number that he’d only used only on the island. He probably doesn’t even have it anymore.
