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It took her a moment to realize that Arsen was wearing one of her designs. The space camper van T-shirt that she had gifted him in Montcove. Why is he wearing my T-shirt? Surely he has a gazillion other clothes in his wardrobe. He did say that he liked the design a lot, but still…

If there was any subtle intention behind it, she didn’t want to think about it. In her mind, all of these celebrities were delusional, selfish people and she didn’t want to have anything to do with them. She had enough problems of her own already.

“He is kind of sexy, isn’t he?” Tara said to her in a low voice. “So, which one of these guys were you running after, Rory?”

“She wasn’t...” Lizzy started but Rory stopped her.

“Don’t talk of something you don’t know anything about.” Rory tried to speak in a calm voice, doing her best to hide her rising anger.

“Oh, it’s like that, huh? Why don’t you tell us the true story then, Rory?” Tara sat back with her arms crossed.

“You wouldn’t understand,” Rory replied.

“Oh. So the Ivy League-educated, one of the best lawyers in the city, me, would not understand? Then enlighten us, you wise one. Enlighten this uneducated fool,” Tara mocked her.

“I’ll see you all in the morning,” Rory said to her mother, and without acknowledging anyone else in the room, she walked out, Lizzy following her after a moment. It wasn’t until they reached Rory’s bedroom that Lizzy spoke.

“What were they talking about, Rory?”

“Let’s forget all this.”

“No, Rory. What was all that Tara was…”

“Lizzy.” Rory put her finger on Lizzy’s mouth. “Just one more day here and all we have suffered so far will be history, okay? Let’s never talk of this ever again.”

Lizzy looked like she wanted to say something but didn’t. She saw the serious look on Rory’s face and knew instantly that she was in no mood to talk. For Rory, it was a long night. There were too many things going on in her mind.

Tara had humiliated her ever since she had come back to LA. Her parents, as usual, had not said a word against their favorite child. But Tara’s right. I did make a fool of myself. There’s no doubt that people in their social circles will be talking about it.

It was strange that Rory was feeling claustrophobic in her own, old bedroom. She would’ve given anything to be back in her grandmother’s house, but before that, she had a wedding to attend. She was thankful that she had Lizzy around to keep her company.

“Lizzy, will you help me get ready for the wedding tomorrow?” Rory whispered, not sure if Lizzy was awake still.

“Of course,” Lizzy replied, half-asleep. Rory smiled. Lizzy was all that she had left in the world in that moment. She might be silly, but at least she genuinely cares.

But why did Arsen wear my T-shirt? The thought that she had been avoiding for the last two hours crept back into her head. At the same time, she knew that she wasn’t going to get any answer to that. He did what he did and that’s not for me to think about.

What she had to focus on were her finances. She was going to ask her dad for the money tomorrow morning. There was no point delaying it anymore and she knew it. The day after, she would be off to Montcove and then it would be too late.

Let’s just get done with the damn wedding and be on our way. Focus, Rory, focus.

Chapter 24

Rory woke up to a busy house later than she wanted to, and there was no doubt that her mother was going to give her grief about it.

Lizzy was already awake and was in the shower. Maybe I should go talk to them about the money now before people start showing up.

“Mother, where’s Dad?” Rory asked as she walked down the stairs.

“He’s gone out,” she replied and then turned to face her. “Dear Jesus! Rory! Why aren’t you cleaned up? It’s your sister’s wedding day—the most important day for this family and you haven’t even taken a shower? God, what do I do with you!”

Rory remained silent. Didn’t take much for her mother to ruin someone’s day.

“When Dad’s back, will you tell him that I need to speak with him urgently?” she said.

“Yeah, yeah. First, go and get washed up and hurry!”

Even today she’s not willing to be nice to me. Rory had figured her mother would’ve been overjoyed beyond expectations on her favorite daughter’s wedding day, but apparently not. At least, not when Rory was around. Today more than ever, Rory did not exist in this house. It was all about Tara, not that Rory complained.
