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The wedding vibe in the air was getting to her. Everyone was dressed beautifully, busy dancing with their partners. She was sitting in the corner by herself, till Tim walked in and sat by her side. It is nice to be needed by someone.

“I’ll give you my number, in case you do end up at Montcove. It’s not that far from here,” she said out loud without thinking. A smile came upon Tim’s face.

“That’d be lovely. I am here in LA for a bit. Maybe I’ll head over to Montcove too.”

Do you know what you’re doing, Rory? Do you really see yourself with Tim? Are you that desperate? When Tim mentioned that he would visit her she had no doubt that he really would. Suddenly the idea did not appeal to her. It felt as if both of them were trying too hard to make this happen.

I am not attracted to him. I barely know him and I am already leading him on? Rory had let her mother’s words mess up her head again. She knew she was leading Tim on out of desperation. On any other day, she wouldn’t have shown any interest in him whatsoever.

It is not fair to him or to me. We can’t force things to happen just because our parents think they should. Or just because that’s how things are supposed to be. I can’t lead a man on just because I am feeling lonely and desperate. Rory knew that she should excuse herself, but she didn’t know how. A sudden exit would be rude, and Tim was a nice enough guy who she didn’t want to be mean to.

Thankfully she didn’t have to worry about it as a man she had not seen for quite some time intervened, freeing her from the awkward situation she was in.

“I know you,” the baritone voice said. Rory stilled.

“Hello, I’m Tim. And you are?” Tim asked, offering his hand to the man who had interjected.

“He’s the garbage man,” The words slipped out of her mouth as her eyes grew big in surprise and rested upon the slight smile on Arsen Ford’s face. That old deep sense of joy in her heart was followed by confusion. What the hell are you doing here? she wanted to ask, but didn’t.

“Tim, I hope you don’t mind, but I’m gonna steal Rory from you,” Arsen said as he confidently escorted Rory out of the chair and led her by the small of her back. She followed without a word.

Arsen grabbed a couple of drinks and led her to a gazebo that was at the back of the property, placed strategically by the pond. Neither of them said a word, but they looked into each other’s eyes questioningly. Rory wondered if his questions were the same as hers.

“I’m sorry,” Arsen said after a long pause.

“For what? What have you done?” The words came out sharper than she had intended.

“I didn’t see you at the club. I didn’t even know about it till I reached my office today and my assistant showed me the TMZ article.”

Rory stayed silent.

“I realize that you also called our office a couple of times but sadly, no one bothered to give me the message.” Arsen paused in reflection, as if realizing that it all sounded like excuses.

“Don hasn’t been in town either and had I known…”

“Yes, Arsen. Had you known… what would you have done?” Rory’s alcohol-fueled voice lashed out.

“I would’ve come to you.”

“And left as soon as Tanya Cox came calling?” Rory knew that she was being borderline bitchy but she didn’t care.

“Rory, look at me.” Arsen walked toward her and held her by the arms. “There’s nothing between me and Tanya.”

He paused and Rory searched his eyes for the truth. Do I even care what he thinks? Should I even bother looking for the truth? Haven’t I already given up on him?

“Maybe Tanya wants certain things from me, but I am in no position to give any of that to her.” His voice was soft and honest.

“And why is that, Arsen?”

“Because… my heart lies with someone else.” He stared into her soul. Fuck. Don’t fall for his words, Rory.

“How many times have you used that line since this morning?” Rory regretted saying that as soon as the words came out of her mouth.

Arsen just stared at her silently. The sounds of the party drifted in from somewhere far away.

“How did you even get here?” she asked.

“I wouldn’t have found you if it weren’t for Lizzy. I had to ask Mickey for her number—a favor that he won’t let me forget about anytime soon. I texted her in the morning and she was the one who helped me out. She’s a really nice girl.”
