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As she saunters to the mirror, I consider kicking her. Me, dramatic? Who is she? Has she always been like this? She seems to really be relishing in my discomfort.

“Are you enjoying this?” I ask her.

“Of course I’m enjoying this,” she snaps. “This is a big story. It’s going to make your career, which means it’s going to make my career. Even if you don’t appreciate it, those are the facts, sweetie.”

“Did you invite Tucker?”

She gasps slightly, then looks at me in the mirror until her expression changes to a guilty smile.

“That worked out better than I thought it would,” she admits. “That’s going to be on the front page of Variety, HuffPo and MSNBC by morning!”

Suddenly I want to ask her if she also tried to set me up with Chad, knowing he was married, but I guess I really don’t have to ask. I guess I already know.

“I wish I had neve

r done this,” I say honestly.

“You say that now, but just wait six months. Or wait three years for the movie to come out. You’ll be thanking me, I promise.”

I slide down from the counter, careful to land on my right foot. For some reason, I don’t want to show her any more signs of weakness.

She leans away, looking me over through narrowed eyes. I try to ignore her until her grin gets too wide. Then I finally glance at her in the mirror. It’s almost like I’ve never seen her before. Like we haven’t been best friends for ten years.

“What are you grinning at?” I ask her.

She shrugs, but she won’t stop smiling.

“Seriously, Nance… I’m not in the mood for any more drama today. What is it you’re smiling about? You think they’re going to give you a part in the movie?”

“Oh, I’m just wondering which one it is,” she singsongs, brushing her perfect eyebrow back with her pinky finger.

“Which one what? What on earth are you talking about?”

She pulls a lipstick from her tiny beaded bag and slowly twists it up, then applies it and pops her lips together for dramatic effect before answering. Finally she raises one eyebrow and stares at me again meaningfully.

“Which one is the father, Lola? Can you just tell me that?”

Chapter 18


Lucky for us, the hotel suite comprises the entire top floor. No one can get up here, not without going through security, that we’ve already informed hotel management that we will not be allowing any visitors.

The guys all mill around the suites, trying to look nonchalant. But I know that at least Liam and Kill are filled with nervous energy. I know they would rather be changing into club clothes and trying to hit the nightclub across the street. But at this point, it would just be madness. We are too conspicuous.

“Maybe just room service?” Timothy suggests. “Or maybe we could go down to the restaurant one at a time? I mean, everybody will be expecting us to be together, right?”

“Timothy, I’m sorry, man,” I sigh. If there were any way I could say yes to this, I would. “It’s just not going to be possible right now. Once things settle down, we could do it. But not tonight.”

“So that’s it?” Liam pipes in. “Just like that, we are all alive again? We can do whatever we want?”

I glance at Carty, who is sitting on the sofa, concentrating on a glass that is half full with a dark liquor.

“Yeah, I guess that’s it,” I shrug. “Welcome to your new life.”

“Man, that’s so weird!” Kill marvels. “I mean, it’s been so long. What should we do first? Where should we go?”

“I dunno… Los Angeles? New York?” Liam suggests. “I mean… Anywhere? Everywhere? Sailing? Flying? I wouldn’t mind riding a horse, to tell you the truth.”
