Page 28 of Twin Tempt

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I come almost immediately, the force so strong it splashes against the wall above the nozzle then drips down toward the drain. It seems to go on and on, ropes of thick, white jizz that swirl in a spiral before disappearing.

My brain goes fuzzy, dissolving to white noise like a TV between stations. It takes a long time to get straight thoughts back into my head, and when I do, one thing is clear.

She is still here. With us. In our place. We can’t let her go just yet.

And there is still more of her.

Chapter 11



When I wake up in the morning, it takes me a second to remember where I am. First I realize that I am immobilized, pinned under something heavy. I can’t move my arms or legs. Feels like I am trapped under concrete.

But slowly, I realize what this is. I am crushed beneath two large, solid soldiers, as dense as cement blocks.

The evening comes back to me in a rush: my brief stint as a beer girl, Mona taking off with Carson, the lingerie show, the captivating twin soldiers who caught my attention, Ty dragging me into the back room and popping me in the chin, and capping it all off with the most amazing orgasm I have ever felt.

Immediately my pussy clenches. My body remembers that orgasm like it is still happening. Oh my God. Never in a million years would I have guessed that a man’s tongue would feel so much better than anything I have ever had on my pussy before.

If I would’ve known? You better believe I would’ve been doing this all along.

Jesus, now it all makes sense! I always thought that porn was so exaggerated, with everybody rolling their eyes and moaning all the time. People having orgasms that look like they are possessed by demons. Women groaning theatrically when somebody gives a nipple the barest lick.

I thought that was all bullshit.

Boy, was I wrong.

It was amazing. It was like some kind of primal secret. So soft, so hot, so exactly what I needed. Nothing has ever felt like that before.

I want it again.

Slowly I pick up my head, trying to figure out what our current situation is. One of them… Will? He is snoring lightly on my left. His face is turned away, and he’s lying on his back so I can see the length of him. His side is overlapping mine, pinning me down protectively. I wonder if he did that on purpose to make sure I can’t sneak out.

His chest rises with every rumbling breath, massive and broad. There is a light dusting of pale fur from his collarbones down to his navel, past where I can see without sitting up.

Cass is on my right, with his thigh draped over mine. He is lying on his stomach. His back is smooth, tanned to the waist where there is a strong demarcation to paler skin. His butt cheeks are round and firm, almost too shapely. I really want to squeeze one. Like, really bad.

My fingers twitch. All this, right next to me? Right here? It’s too good to be true.

I don’t know what time it is, but it’s got to be early. I usually wake up before seven, definitely. Even without an alarm. I love the early mornings.

I wish I could go back to sleep, but I can’t. Even though this is so cozy, so comfortable, I’m itching for… Something.

Tentatively, I move the fingers on my right hand, pinned so far underneath Cass. To my surprise, I can feel the bristly, soft patch of pubic hair at his groin. It’s nice, like beard stubble. Lush and thick, soft as fox fur. Stroking it with my fingertips, I listen for any change in his breathing.

He doesn’t do anything, but I sense his body changing. As I softly run my fingers back and forth through his furry thatch, I feel his hips shift just slightly. Just enough, and there is a void created underneath him, one where I can tunnel through to find his cock.

Biting my lip, I take the chance to touch it. It’s velvety smooth, but firm underneath. My fingers wander blindly along the length, curious to test the width, firmness, girth. I circle my middle finger and thumb and squeeze lightly, delighted to hear his breath hitch in his throat.

I almost know what to do… I’ve seen this a thousand times. The angle is a bit uncomfortable, but if I twist I can get my hand underneath him so that I can run the tip of his cock against the palm of my hand.

He shudders, his eyes still closed. Every time he moves, I take it as encouragement. I can hold him a little firmer, stroke him farther. After a little while, gaining confidence, I dare to run my fingers up and down his complete length, twisting slightly at the end the way I have seen in movies.

A moan reverberates in his chest. He shifts toward me and nuzzles his face against my shoulder. I feel his hands slide against the bottom of my belly and realize he’s awake now. How long he has been awake, I don’t know.

On my other side, I feel Will take my hand in his and draw it to his already-hard cock. Guiding me, he closes my fingers over his shaft and moves my arm from base to tip. Then, with a sigh, he rolls onto his side, mirror image with Cass on my right.
