Page 40 of Twin Tempt

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“Do you really?” he teases.

His teeth nip at my bottom lip as he finally slips a finger inside me. Just one, and it fits so perfectly. Another pulsing pressure builds inside me as a finger slips in and out, tapping on some secret passage that turns the volume up on every scream my body is giving.

“Oh, yesssss!” I moan, grinding harder against his fingers.

The next time that he enters me, I feel pressure on my ass as well. It is hard to separate the two feelings from each other, and when they happen at the same time, fireworks begin to go off.

“Beg me, Libby,” Cass commands me. “Beg me to fuck you.”

I’m insane with lust, barely able to put the words together. My mouth is dry. There’s only one thing I need. Only one thing I can conceive of.

“Fuck me, Cass,” I manage to groan. “Oh my God, fuck me now!”

“Yeah, that’s it,” he smiles, before taking my mouth.

With his hand behind my knee, he opens my legs as far as they will go. Will slides a lubricated finger in and out of my ass while Cass lines the head of his thick cock up with my tight entrance.

It’s so tight, it burns, but he doesn’t stop. Further and further he goes, plunging forward until I want to scream and beg him to stop. But no. I won’t do that. I want this so bad, I will take anything to have it.

With an audible pop he drives past my maidenhead, finally into the dark, seething void of my pussy. My body throbs

with elation as Will and Cass both fuck me, invading my borders, rendering words completely useless. All there is is naked, grunting desire. The sound of bodies sliding against each other, the irrepressible urge to fuck and fuck and fuck.

I hold on for dear life, pain subsiding and pleasure roaring through like a freight train. That’s all there is, this overwhelming sound, this wordless primal scream.

Before I know it, I am coming again, clasping my ankles behind Cass’s hips, dragging him as deep inside of me as he can get. I hear him call out, feel the gush of wetness inside me that squelches out between our bodies and puddles beneath my hip.

Maybe I black out, but maybe I don’t. The three of us join together in an animal space, complete at last.

Chapter 16


Nobody thinks it’s weird when I decide to head out for a run. Just regular military training, after all. Nothing unusual.

But it is the middle of the afternoon, and it is hot. Usually I would wait until the sun went down. Not today. I am full of energy. I am practically invincible.

As my heels pound the asphalt, I center myself, finding that dopamine calm in the middle of my swirling thoughts. This is good. This is what I want.


It is almost too much having Libby in the house. She is both perfect and perfectly shocking. I mean, what more could I really ask for?

Well, I could ask for better timing?

But then again, what would better timing even mean? After I take the job in New York? Or after I turn down the job in New York? I don’t even know what I am going to do yet.

The fact is, there are a lot of things that Will and I haven’t talked about. We are both trained now. We’re both coming to the part of our career where we are supposed to make a decision. Find a career. Take a path.

Training is over and it is time to begin putting it to good use.

Will has that degree in history and all his military experience. He can do anything he wants. As a matter of fact, he could probably do any of a thousand different things. He could teach. He could go into politics. He could go into private security service. Or he could stay in the Army and probably rise to colonel, maybe be a general by the time he is done.

The world is his oyster.

Without a degree, my options are more limited. I know that the offer in New York is one of the best offers I will ever get. Outside of private security, management opportunities for enlisted men are sometimes difficult to find. I could go back to school and get a degree too, but to be honest I am not that guy. I don’t see myself sitting behind a desk watching someone fill up a whiteboard for the next four years of my life.

I’d rather go on tour.
