Page 45 of Twin Tempt

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“Yeah, I was just kidding about that,” I admit as she settles between the cushions. “It’s in a totally different cabinet. I just wanted to see your ass.”

She shakes her head slightly as the dopamine courses through her, enjoying the last dregs of her climax. Since she is still wet, I slide my fingers along her slit, opening up this pussy that I’m on, this pussy that I trained up since it was practically a kitten.

“Hey, you guys want to head to the—oh, what have we here?” Will asks, appearing around the corner.

My fingers are already coated in her juices, but I’m happy to have company.

“Just a little afternoon snack,” I explain. “You got time?”

“Hell, I will make time,” he announces as he pulls his shirt over his head.

“No… No, wait,” she interrupts, moving away from me.

I catch her by the ankle, but she shakes her head playfully.

“No… seriously. We are out of things. Majorly out of things. And I need… Well, I need some girl things.”

“Girl things?” I repeat, looking her over. I think she looks nice in boxers and T-shirts. What more could she want?

“Yes, girl things,” she says again, rolling her eyes. “Real shampoo, for instance. A razor. Actually, can we go by my house? Or maybe it’s time I went home?”

I catch Will’s eye. He and I agree on this thing completely.

“Libby, you’re not a prisoner here,” Will explains gently. “But we both feel you should stay.”

“You know, I’ve been thinking about that,” she starts, wrinkling her nose uncertainly. “I am sure that Ty has already forgotten about me. Mona probably already got my ID back. He’s probably moved on to some other shenanigans.”

Again, Will catches my eye.

“You could be right,” I nod reasonably. “But, you could be wrong. This mission is already in progress. Why don’t we just continue on this course, just to be safe?”

She tips her head to the side and rolls her eyes. “That means no,” she pouts.

Will grins triumphantly. “Yeah, that’s a good girl. That definitely means no.”

She doesn’t put up too much of a fight, and I would like to think that’s because of our undeniable charms. But then again, it probably has something to do with the way her dad raised her up.

She looks down irritably and pinches the hem of the T-shirt.

“Okay, then, about the supplies? Maybe a run to Target? You can watch over me while I pick out some groceries?”

Will shrugs dismissively. I have to admit, my erection is a little more disappointed than that. But I guess there’s no harm in going along.

“Yeah… Okay. That’s a good idea,” I finally agree.

She claps her hands quickly under her chin and squeals in delight. “Yes!”

The Target store is just a few miles away, and it does kind of feel good to get out for a field trip. With the top down on the Jeep, the sun shines gold through her hair and she leans back as the wind flutters the blonde fringes over the bridge of her nose, smiling into the sky.

Her torn jeans hang loose over broad hips as the three of us walk into the store, side by side. I notice a few curious glances from soccer moms and the occasional soldier. I guess we are just a sight. No denying that. If I saw brothers that look like us walking around the store with a woman that looked like her, I would give a second glance too. Human nature.

Libby quickly fills up the cart as Will pushes it for her, efficiently selecting items at every aisle as though she has a mental shopping list. I’m excited to see chocolate chips and walnuts go into the cart, and I suddenly hope that there might be some cookies in my future.

Homemade cookies. Could I really get that lucky?

She also has an eye for grains and proteins, the sorts of things that you need to keep your strength up. It’s nice. Feels sort of… I don’t know. Like being taken care of? Nice, like that.

After the cart is practically overflowing, she twists around with a smile, then stumbles, scowling. I catch her under her elbows and she straightens immediately, embarrassed.
