Page 49 of Twin Tempt

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“You guys! You had me worried!” Will calls out as he walks up with the grocery cart.

He and Cass murmur with their heads together for a few seconds, and he pauses, alert as a guard dog, while he searches the store for signs of Ty.

“You’re all right?” he asks me in a low voice, urgent and concerned.

“I’m all right now,” I confirm. “Cass took good care of me.”

“Oh yeah?” he asks seriously, but when he glances at me, his expression changes as though he knows everything that went on. “Just how all right is all right?”

I shrug nonchalantly and drape my new dresses over the back of the cart. “Let’s just say I owe you one, okay?”

“Damn, timing is everything!” he complains as we continue on the aisle toward checkout.

I hear the envy in his voice, but I know I can pay back the debt.

Chapter 20


“Okay, what do you want to watch?” Libby chirps, flopping onto the sofa next to me and crossing her bare ankles over my knees.

She wiggles the TV remote in her fingers and smiles brightly until I close my laptop.

“I don’t know… I was just going to do a little catching up—”

“You can catch up later,” she smiles mischievously, placing her bare foot on top of my laptop so I can’t open it again.

Her toenails are just polished. Peach color with frosty sparkles that catch the light. She wiggles them as I watch.

“You like?”

Her puppyish charm is definitely effective. Though I was determined to wrestle with some big decisions, now that seems less important.

“I definitely like.”

“Good!” she smiles sweetly. “So, are you a blood and guts kind of guy? Sports?

Romantic comedy?”

“Oh, jeez… I don’t really know. The last time I watched TV I guess it was football?”

“Is football on right now?”

“I wouldn’t know,” I shrug. “I don’t like it. It was just on.”

“Yeah, that really isn’t helpful at all. So let’s continue. Sci-fi? Reality TV? Documentary?”

“Do you like documentaries?”

“Oh, Mona and I were totally addicted to this show called Bloody Biology. You ever heard of it?”

“No, don’t think so.”

“Oh! It’s amazing, if you can handle the blood. It has kind of stupid title, but it’s really just about these groundbreaking surgeries, the ones where doctors find out stuff they never knew before, you know? Really get in there and see how people work.”

“Okay, I’m game,” I shrug.

She raises her eyebrows. “What? Seriously? Are you sure?”
