Page 53 of Twin Tempt

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“Yeah, so, I miss your face!” I admit openly. “What’s new? Is Carson still around?”

She huffs in frustration. “He’s moving, can you believe that? He got a permanent post.”

“Oh no, that’s awful!” I pout sympathetically. “Is it far? Can you visit or something? What are you going to do?”

“Shit, I don’t know, Libby,” she groans.

To my surprise, I think I hear real emotion in her voice. First I find out he is real, now I find out she actually cares about him? Will wonders never cease?

“I mean, if it’s worth it?”

I hear her shaking her head. I can practically see the vision of her curls moving in my mind’s eye.

“God help me, it actually might be worth it, Libby. Christ. What have I gotten myself into?”

“A relationship, by the sounds of it,” I quip.

“Ugh, that sounds awful!”

“Ha! Go figure! After all those lectures on how to get a man, you actually got one!”

“Yeah, very funny, Libby-love. You’re one to talk, miss thing. One day, a relationship is going to find you too. It’s practically unavoidable!”

I can’t say anything. I bite my lips closed.

“Yeah, well…” She sighs, letting her voice trail away. “What are you going to do. So, you really haven’t been home, huh? What is the plan?”

“Well, actually, that’s why I was calling,” I start, trying to figure out the fastest way to explain everything to her. But really, there is only one way.

“Okay, go on,” she prods gently.

“Can you do me a favor?”

“Anything, babycakes.”

“Can you check on the house? Just walk around to make sure everything is okay. You have a key.”

“Oh, sure! Of course. No problem.”

“And… um, can you maybe pick me up a couple things? My laptop? Kind of an overnight bag situation?”

The line goes quiet while she thinks this over.

“And then…”

I take a deep breath. “And then can you maybe bring it here? To where I am? To me?”

“Hell yes!” she agrees immediately. “I literally thought you were never going to ask! Just text the address and I will be there in two shakes!”

“You’re really the best, you know that, Mona?”

“Pshhhht. Well, of course I am,” she sniffs. “I will see you in just a bit!”

Summoning the red button to disconnect the call, I cringe. Was that enough?

That is all I should say for now. I could prepare her, but why? The look of surprise on her face is going to be amazing.

When the doorbell rings, Will gives me a cautious stare from where he stands in the kitchen, arranging freshly baked cookies on a plate. I know it sounds cheesy, but I assumed the cookies would convince them this was a good idea too.
