Page 28 of Package Deal

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Out of the corner of my eye I see Emmet gesturing wildly over his head. The sun is going down and now is the perfect time for us to start our tour.

“I'm coming with you!” she shouts back, beginning to lean away. I catch her the by the crook of her arm and shake my head, no.

“What? No! Sorry!”

“Yes!” she shouts back, twisting away from me momentarily, then back toward me. She looks up into my eyes again, seriously trying to ignite a connection here. Even if I wanted to, there's nothing there. I’m preoccupied. She’s beautiful, granted, but… nothing is happening.

“I was promised a story!” she reminds me. She's trying to smile, wheedle her way in, but the expression is just a little bit too desperate. “And you don’t want to be a third wheel, do you? Let’s double date, Dillon! Live a little!”

Gently, I pry her fingers off my arm and step away with my palm up, stop. Then I move my lips, saying nothing, hoping she thinks that the helicopter noises are just drowning me out. I've got nothing to say to her, but I salute her with a smile, betting that she'll just go ahead and make up whatever the hell story she wants.

Then I turn my back to her and jog toward the open door of the helicopter, leaping in and sliding it closed behind me. Melody’s expression of disappointment and anger looms as she yanks her skirt down to her knees and slides her sunglasses back down over her nose. She gives us a grudging wave as the helicopter tips forward and lifts straight up off the ground. In seconds, she’s disappeared.

Before I put my headphones on, I turn toward Bella. She's already got the headset on and raises her eyebrows at me questioningly. Without saying a word, I reach out and slide my fingers under her chin, behind her neck, and draw her to me. Her lips are welcoming and pliant, warm and open. She kisses me with a sigh, as if she's been waiting for this as long as I have.

It’s a surprise. A welcome one. After watching her flip through a virtual rolodex of personalities, I wasn’t sure which Bella I was going to get today. But she seems committed to the role now. At least until the merger, I suppose.

Just to test the theory, I kiss her again. Every time our lips meet, I feel an almost electric shock, like a connection. When we separate, I miss it. I have to try again.

As we reach touring altitude, I continue to taste her, sliding my tongue along her teeth, feeling her tongue dance around mine, darting, swirling. I can't believe I waited two days for this. I'm suddenly so hungry for her. My body is taut and humming as though electrified. I feel her fingers slide up my thigh and rest heavily on my hard, pulsing cock.

Then she draws away shyly, blinking and smiling at me. She reaches for the other headset and hands it to me. Disappointed, I fit it over my ears. The cabin is suddenly silent.

“Private channel please, Chad,” I hear Emmet's voice immediately. The pilot flashes us the okay sign and flips a switch over his head. Now only the three of us can talk to and hear each other in the headsets.

“Have you ever fucked in a helicopter before?” I ask immediately, watching her eyes in response. She doesn't even flinch, but goes for a playful squint. She smiles broadly and her tongue presses against her upper teeth in an inviting tease.

“Let's save that for the honeymoon, shall we, boys?” she shoots back, shifting primly in her seat and drawing her skirt slowly but firmly down over her knees. Her fingers press against her thighs protectively, letting me know it will be just a little bit more difficult than that.

“Oh, smooth move, Dillon,” Emmet scoffs.

“What? It’s a fair question! People who have had sex in a helicopter, please raise your hands!”

“You said this was a tour,” she sniffs, looking out the window, leaning over me. I can smell her perfume and see the curve of her breast through the plunging neckline of her wrap dress. She must know she’s doing this to me, right? But it’s impossible to tell. Every time I imagine that I know what she’s thinking, she turns into someone else. A new Bella, every minute.

“So tour me,” she dares me with a grin. So far it looks like I’m getting confident, assertive Bella. She’s hot as hell. I’m happy with that. I would like to take another tour of her body.

“Chad does the tour,” I inform her, clearing my throat, “on this channel, we won't be able to hear him.”

She shrugs, drawing back and looking me right in the eye. As she leans back into her seat, her nipples brush against the front of my shirt, igniting my skin all at once. Fuck.

“Then change the channel back. I want to hear the tour.”

“Then you won’t be able to hear us,” I protest.

She leans very close to me, sticking out just the tip of her tongue and running it over my top lip. It's everything I can do to keep from tearing her clothes off right this minute.

“Then you'll have to keep very quiet,” she whispers, her voice barely coming through the headphones.

Emmet leans forward and catches my eye. He shrugs. “Best to do as she says, I think,” he smiles at me.

Begrudgingly, I lean forward and tap Chad on the shoulder, pointing at the channel switch in the ceiling. He nods his understanding and flips it back on.

“All right, ladies and gentlemen,” comes his voice through the snug earphones. The noise reduction is so good, it sounds like he's whispering right in our ears. “Just sit back and relax. We’re going to cruise up and down the Chicago lakefront, and I'll be pointing out some of the more interesting architectural and historical highlights.”

“That sounds wonderful, Chad,” Bella breathes, as she gazes up into my eyes. A playful smile curls the corners of her full lips as she draws her skirt up, grasping my hand and guiding it between her warm thighs. As soon as I touch the damp crotch of her silky panties, she closes her eyes and tips her head back, succumbing to the roaring vibrations of the helicopter motors.

Confident, assertive Bella for the win.
