Page 29 of Package Deal

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“Just now we're leaving airspace of Navy Pier. Below us you can see the famous Ferris Wheel. It is a nod to the original Ferris Wheel that was introduced publicly in the world's fair, held here in Chicago in 1893.”

Emmet reaches around and unties the fabric strap at her waist, pulling her dress open to reveal her smooth, curvy form. I slide my fingers under the thin band of elastic at her thigh, finding her already slippery and hot to the touch.

Just as I find her, she reaches out, stroking my cock through my trousers. With my other hand, I free myself and her fingers instantly curl around me, grasping me tightly.

“Lake Shore Drive is famous for its magnificent views, and is commonly referred to as the Magnificent Mile. Many of the

apartment buildings that you see here are being converted to condominiums. Just below us, you can see the famous Lincoln Park Zoo, where children and adults have been enjoying such attractions as Farm-in-the-Zoo, where you can watch the baby chickens hatch.”

Just before I close my eyes, I noticed that she's reached out with her other hand to grasp Emmet's cock too. Slowly she begins to stroke us both, pistoning both of our erections simultaneously as my middle finger swoops deeper and deeper against her furrow.

“If you look just over to the left now, you can see the flags atop famous Wrigley Field. They're flying the W. Looks like the Cubs won today.”

She is so wet, I can almost hear the sound as my middle and ring fingers strum quickly against her clit. Her cheeks are red, her head thrown back with abandon. Relentlessly she pumps my cock, eagerly drawing Emmet and I to climax.

“Here's the border of Chicago, folks, and Evanston just beyond. I'm going to do a little bank turn here, get us going back southward again. Hold on, this turn might feel a little steep.”

The helicopter banks hard to the right, thrusting all three of us against the plush bench. It crushes the air from our lungs, leaving us breathless and dizzy. Bella claps her thighs around my hand and arches her back, her mouth open in a silent cry, and suddenly I'm coming too, exploding from within, lost in a volcanic eruption, blinded.

“Thanks for bearing with me, folks,” Chad says in his practiced, smooth way. “Just going to hit the gas here and take us swiftly back toward downtown, check out what the south side is up to right now.”

Slowly I open my eyes, gradually taking in the details. The setting sun, the lights of downtown coming up. The Hancock Building is all alight, and I even make out a few dozen sailboats on the water. It’s a beautiful night, and we hang high above it, breathless and exultant.

We are together, one in pleasure and abundant beauty.



A large crowd gathers behind the velvet rope, milling around and craning their necks to see who's got the firepower to be able to rope off Buckingham Fountain for a private event.

I sort of hear their voices, churning like foamy seawater on the rocks as I walk past, presumably to check on the caterer. But as their cameras snap, dozens at a time, I feel like I've checked something off the list. I should be trending in just a few moments.

I turn my back to the crowd, shifting my weight to one hip and thrusting my hands into my pockets so that they can get a good look at my shoulders under my cotton shirt. They love this, the matinee idol idea. Already I have seen different blogs picking up stories about this romance. There have been recaps of our history of bad behavior, quotes from celebrities with opinions about my character or romance in general. Rundowns of our fashion choices and even a few tutorials on how to get Bella’s “look.” She’s usually compared to Brigitte Bardot or Julia Roberts.

It's a fairytale, just like she said. At first, I didn’t buy it. Who has that kind of willpower, to pretend to be in love just for a job? But she certainly does. Her performances are flawless. When she looks at me, I look deep into her eyes and all I see is the glow of passion. Nothing suspicious underneath. And when we’re alone, she’s someone else yet again, keeping up her end of the bargain with Dillon too. She’s hungrier than I would have expected, for us both.

It must be a hell of a job she’s trying to get. I wonder who had the idea first — Hannah or Bella?

Probably, it was Hannah. She can come up with some very cutthroat schemes when her back is to the wall. And if she’s telling the truth about Google looking down its nose at us, I can see why she would be freaked out.

But really, Hannah and I just don’t see eye to eye. She's been dissatisfied with me for a long time. With both of us. Dillon and I don't satisfy her prudish expectations, I suppose. She looks like the sort of girl who has been cheated on. Damaged goods. Bitter, somehow. Or just tainted. Who knows.

So, maybe it was Hannah’s idea, but Bella is the one who really brings the story to life. Her breathless swooning for the cameras is absolutely genius. Completely believable Cinderella tale. When she looks at me, I almost feel like…

But it’s just a fantasy. In fact, it’s a fantasy that's only got about a week and a half left in it. Shouldn’t get too caught up in the act.

Our car rolls up through the six or so security guards, just as I'm leaving the caterer’s station and walking in front of the white privacy tent. Excellent. Action shots. I hear another fifty cameras go off. I could probably jog over there or something, maybe call her name.

No. Too cartoonish.

But as soon as she emerges from the car, she's in my arms. She almost falls into me, hooking her arms underneath mine, pressing up on those long, beautiful toes to be able to reach me. I let my arms drape over her protectively, plunging my fingers into her hair, practically lifting her off her feet so that can I kiss her in full view of everybody.

Snap. Snap. Snap. I wonder what the hashtags will be?

“They’re loving this,” she murmurs as I set her down gently, batting her eyelashes at me vigorously.

“Well, of course they are. I don't know if we could've gotten a much more perfect spots. Romantic, well lit, and about as public as you can get.”
