Page 40 of Package Deal

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“It just leaps off the page!” Kent smirks. “Everybody can see it. You guys have this magnetism when you're together. This energy! You make a person really believe in love!”

"Well, what can I say?" I respond gamely, pulling her closer to me again, holding her in front of me. Slyly, I bounce my hard-on against the pit of her back. She responds by nudging me with those round, ripe buttocks, letting me know that she knows how hot I am for her.

Kent is so proud of himself, we can't shut him up for the next hour until we get back to the dock. Meanwhile, Dillon, Bella and I are on our very best behavior, milking the rest of his time with all the romance one person could stand.

I presume he will post a follow-up story, in the next few days. He seems enthused to be the first person who's declared this a real love affair. He'll probably have us married off and pregnant by the end of the week. Maybe not in that order.

We sail back to Burnham Harbor, leaving Kent on the dock and posing just one more time for another few pictures for him. After he's done with that, he steps back and gazes lovingly at the boat, making me wonder if I shouldn't have let him spend a little more time on it, just to see how much more flattering he would be in his write up.

“Tommy, why don’t you guys take a walk?” I ask the hired crew. Tommy glances at Bella and smirks, accepts a few hundred dollars in gratuity and whistles to his other crew members. They clamber off the boat, leaving us alone.

“Below deck, both of you,” I bark, doing a rather paltry imitation of a sea captain.

“Yes, sir!” Bella smirks. I drop into the galley entrance, sliding the panel doors securely and closing us inside.

“Gee, it's pretty nice in here,” she muses, looking around and touching the dials and displays, the wood cabinetry. “I didn't realize sailboats had such luxurious, um — um --”

“Quarters,” Dillon smiles.

“Quarters,” she repeats, smiling back at him. “That makes sense.”

“Yeah, well, that's pretty much all I know about this thing,” he shrugs. “Emmet paid a little bit more attention in the sailing lessons.”

“No I didn't!” I object, taking Bella by the hand and guiding her back through the door that leads to the waterbed that I know is here somewhere.

“What do you mean?”

“Take your clothes off.”

Bella puts her hands on her hips, tapping the toe of her sneaker.


. I'll take your clothes off,” I shrug. I reach out and with a flick of my fingers, that sarong is in a puddle around her ankles. She looks down in surprise.

“Hey!” she pouts. “I was asking a question!”

“I answer questions while you get undressed,” I counter reasonably. She seems to find this acceptable and turns around shyly, slowly unhooking the back of her coral bikini top. Dillon and I stand back, watching the show.

“Please continue with your story.”

“Oh, um…” I stammer, a little distracted, “well there were sailing lessons. But there was also this girl…”

Bella clucks her tongue. “Okay, story’s over!”

“Actually, there's a bar at the harbor too in case you didn’t notice…”

“I said, forget it!” she says loudly, spinning around and whipping her top off. Her breasts jiggle, settling heavily, the light tan of her skin outlining her tits in subtle triangles.

Dillon and I are mesmerized.

“And you,” she continues, tipping her head and looking at Dillon. “Why are you being so nice today?”

He swallows. “What?”

She points at him accusingly. “You're being nice! It's weird. What's going on?”

He shrugs, shaking his head, then glances at me like I'm going to help him or something.
