Page 41 of Package Deal

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“I don't know,” he mutters. “I guess I'm in love too!”

“Oh shut up,” she scoffs, suddenly leaping toward him, raising her arms. He catches her smoothly, laughing and kissing her as they fall back on the waterbed. It bounces dramatically, shifting the weight from side to side as they giggle, wrapping legs around each other, looking like the mirror image of Bella and I on the prow of the boat in the picture that Kent took.

“Hold on,” I smile, carefully joining them on the sloshy waterbed. “My turn now!”

“You're so right,” she coos, flipping herself over so that she faces me. Her hand drifts over my cheek she smiles, crinkling up her nose. “You got some sun today,” she remarks.

“Yeah, they say the sun on the water is most intense,” I answer absentmindedly.

“Huh,” she sighs, “I never knew that either.”

I stare into her big brown eyes, wanting to come up with something else to tell her. Like a kid, I want to impress her, to spark that look of admiration she gives me sometimes. When she looks at me like that, I feel invincible.

But there’s more there too. Depths. Layers of Bella that go far beyond what we’ve seen so far. I find myself wanting to know more, wanting to plunge deeper into her. As she looks back at me, I see the hunger grow, see that unmistakable invitation in her stare.

Her bikini bottoms come off smoothly and in moments I'm naked, fighting between the twin urges of wanting to simply slide against her, to absorb her, and wanting to plow to the center of her, to own every inch of her.

I keep myself from taking her all at once, greedily, but just barely. She is so ready, so open and wet, I can't bear it another second and line myself up, ready to feel her wet and hot around me again. It feels just as good as the first time, maybe even more so. She is smiling, not a shred of fear in her eyes, but still so tight.

We come like the first time, exploding together as fireworks shatter in front of my eyes, temporarily blinding me. Dillon fists himself, holding himself against her until he comes too. She leans into him and he splashes his come all over her belly. It drifts between her tits, then slides down and pools in that beautiful oval belly button.

The boat rocks us gently, and sleep is tempting, but I'm certain the crewmembers are waiting outside. When we disembark, they toss their cigarettes in the nearby ashtray and don't look at us when they get back on board.

I'm giddy, like I was when I was a teenager. I want to tell them about it. This strange urge to share with everyone is nearly overwhelming sometimes. I have to admit it's only slightly diminished by the fact that this actually is shared with everyone, in real life. Seems to be on every blog everywhere.

As we hike back up to the car, I slip my cell phone out of my pocket to take one last look at that picture. Her smile is utterly convincing. We do seem to have a kind of magnetism, as Kent said. I smile, just looking at it.



In the morning, I wake up under a mountain of skin and muscle. At first it's alarming, but then I remember where I am, what we've been doing.

They sleep hard, like teenagers, their arms thrown up over their heads, totally secure in their nakedness. I didn't know the people acted like this. Positively immodest, walking around naked whenever they can, laughing and joking with each other. They seem completely at ease when they're together, when no one else is around. They show a sort of playful happiness that I don't see any other time.

But I've noticed we don't have a whole lot of very deep conversations. Maybe they just communicate without words. Sometimes I find them staring at each other, seeming to be talking, but not talking. They seem to understand each other in a way that makes me a little bit envious.

And they share, without jealousy. I would have thought that was just made up, just nonsense. When we're in public, sometimes I see jealousy flare up in Dillon when he feels left out. But when we're alone, and I can divide my attention between them, they're gracious to one another. More than once, Dillon has offered to let Emmet have me first, taste me first, enter me first. And vice versa.

It’s sweet. I mean, I know it's totally weird and perverted and insane. But it's also kinda sweet.

And they've made me feel things I've never felt before. I always knew I was missing something, but that was my choice. I did not want to be tangled up in the drama and disappointment a relationship always results in. But my body… our bodies, together. The sensations…

Oh my God.

I feel it building in me again, that warmth, that clanging pain in my belly like a rubber band snapping, but so good.

Before I know what I'm doing, my hands wander along the bedsheets, finding their bodies, brushing my palm against the light fur along their sculpted, thickly muscled abs. They look like gods, fallen down from Olympus.

Both of them are already half hard when I close my fingers around their velvety, veiny shafts. The cocks move heavily against my palms as I begin to stroke them, and they’re hard in seconds.

Emmet wakes first, rolling over and smiling. He kisses me sweetly and groans, grinding, already wanting me.

It feels like magic. Like power. I never really felt like I could handle one man, let alone two. But here I am, arousing them both with just the touch of my hand.

“I need you,” I whisper against Emmet’s cheek. “Make me come again.”

“Yes, Bella,” he answers, nudging me so I can turn onto my side. With his hand, he lines himself up with my entrance, then reaches around to circle my clit gently as he begins to thrust inside me. I shift both my hands to Dillon's cock and continue to stroke him as Emmet dives into me, filling me, swelling until I am almost bursting.
