Page 79 of Package Deal

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“Arie, honey? Did you hear me?”

Arie stops with her fork her mouth, the sound of her name finally bringing her back to the present. “I’m sorry, Carol. I didn’t. What did you ask?”

“We haven’t seen you for so long. What have you been up to for all this time?”

Arie takes another forkful of rice and gives a little shrug. “Oh, you know how it is. Busy with nothing and everything. Working. Not working. Helping my family at the garage.”

“Why the hell are you so skinny, Ari? I wouldn’t have recognized you if Pierce hadn’t told me who you are,” Logan says as he hands Chloe a piece of bread. I scowl at him, both for the comment about Arie’s weight, and for giving Chloe something she’ll barely be able to chew through. Luckily, mom smacks him on the back of the head.

“That was rude! Tell Arie you’re sorry.”

Logan rubs the back of his head and grimaces. “It wasn’t an insult. I was just stating a fact. Arie used to have those pinup model curves. Now she looks like, well, a runway model. I’m not saying she’s not beautiful, it’s just… aw, hell. I put my foot in it, all right?”

“And you can stop talking about her like she’s not here, you jackass,” I say as I deepen my scowl. But Arie just laughs.

“It’s really not a big deal. I definitely lost weight, but you never know. If you keep feeding me amazing food like this, I may get those curves back. Soon rather than later,” she says as she eats another mouthful of chicken. My mother reaches over and squeezes Arie’s hand.

“And if you don’t, it’s no one’s business but your own. Now, onto more interesting topics of conversation. Are you and my son dating again?”

I choke on the beer I’m drinking, and Arie bursts out laughing. “Was something I said that amusing?” mother asks, looking dreadfully confused.

“Mom, why do you have to be so damn nosy all the time?” I cough out, wiping beer off of my chin.

“I think it’s a perfectly reasonable question. She’s moved in to the apartment, she’s taking care of my granddaughter, you two have history. What other conclusion could I possibly draw?”

Arie smiles and shakes her head. “Carol, it’s nothing like that. Pierce was just kind enough to help me out when I needed it. We’re old friends. Nothing more.”

My father clears his throat and puts his napkin on the table. “And on that uncomfortable note, I have a conference call with Auckland that I am already late for.”

He stands up and leaves the dining room without another word, which is his cue that this particular family dinner has come to a close. Mom rolls her eyes and gets up to retrieve Chloe from her high-chair.

“That was even more short-lived than usual. Shall I call you kids a car?”

Arie looks confused, but Logan just chuckles as he gets up from his chair. “Dad is getting very particular in his old age. He loves us, but when he’s ready for his peace and quiet, he’s ready for his peace and quiet.”

I take Chloe from mom with a sigh. “No car. We can walk. It’s a nice night and it’s only six blocks and an avenue.”

Mom leans over to give me a hug, and when she seems to be sure Arie is out of earshot, whispers, “Don’t you do anything to hurt that girl again, you understand me?”

* * *

We’re walking down Fifth Avenue, each quietly enjoying the bustle of the New York streets as Chloe points and plays in her stroller. Arie seems especially distracted, and I’m just about to ask her what’s on her mind, when I spot something out of the corner of my eye that sets me on edge. About ten feet from where we are standing, waiting for the light to change, a man in a dark blue track suit seems to be watching Arie intently. His hands are in his pockets, and he’s wearing sunglasses even though the sun has almost entirely set. She doesn’t appear to notice him, but there is an intensity to his demeanor, and the way he is focused so singularly on Arie, that is making me deeply uncomfortable. Every nerve in my body, every ounce of my training, is telling me that something is off about this guy.

I give Arie a gentle nudge when the light changes. “How about some coffee? Would could pop into this shop on the corner for a second.” But she looks at me like I’m insane.

“Do you have any idea how messed up I’d be later if I drank coffee right now? I’d like to sleep this century. Besides, it’s getting late. We should get Chloe home so she can get to sleep.”

I look down at Chloe through the little window in her stroller cover and see she is happily wide awake, but I have a feeling that Arie won’t abide me arguing with her. Yet, I can still see the man in my periphery, and he’s getting closer, inching his way through the crowd as if he’s trying to get as near to Arie as possible without being seen. Except he’s clearly not all that skilled at whatever his job is, because I made him in a minute flat. Arie, however, is oblivious.

We round the corner and I can see my building in the distance, but I don’t want to give this guy, whoever he is, any information in terms of where Arie lives. Maybe I’m being paranoid, but everything about this guy is screaming “trouble” and I’m not about to let trouble just walk through the doors to my apartment.

I take Arie by the arm with one hand and grip the stroller beside her with the other. “Let’s keep walking. Maybe toward Bergdorf? We can get Chloe some new clothes,” I say as I keep my eye on the man. Arie gives me another withering look.

“Are you crazy? I don’t want to go shopping. And did you miss the part about Chloe’s bedtime? What is wrong with you? Who buys baby clothes at Bergdorf anyway. She’s going to grow out of them in ten seconds.”

The years certainly haven’t made her any less stubborn.

“Yeah, okay, fine. You’re right. Listen, I’m not ready to go home. Why don’t you take Chloe back to the apartment and I’ll go for a little walk? Work off some of this excess energy?”
