Page 86 of Package Deal

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The older of the three women hushes her compatriots, but looks just as invested as them. “Everyone knows who the Cochrans are. Now, anyway. Their business is set to be a big deal in Auckland, and we’ve been very excited about their arrival. Word spread quickly that he was staying in the hotel with his daughter and lady-friend.”

“Oh, I’m not…”

But I don’t have time to finish. The women have me sign a receipt and the next thing I know, they are pushing me out the door of the store, telling me to have a wonderful night. And I am flummoxed as to what it is I’ve gotten myself into, again…

* * *

When I walk back into the hotel room, Pierce and Chloe are asleep on the sofa, a classic cartoon blaring away in front of them as they snore identically. My heart swells as I see how much Chloe is like her father, and I realize how hard it is, and will be, to hide from him that I’m her mother. It’s starting to feel like too much. I don’t know how much longer I can keep this secret, along with every other secret I’m currently sitting on. I also don’t know how long Pierce’s been awake, or how long I’ve been staring at him like a dork. He just grins.

“Jesus, Arie. You look beautiful. Beyond beautiful. I’m not sure there is a word for how you look.”

I know I’m blushing. “It was so expensive, Pierce. I’m so sorry. But the salesgirls were talking so fast, and I didn’t really register the currency difference and I can totally take it back right now if you want me to.” I know I’m babbling but Pierce only smiles.

“I would soon cut off my own pinky before I told you return that dress. It’s stunning… But not as stunning as you.”

My stomach does a flip-flop, but thank goodness, I don’t have time to respond. There is a knock on the door as the babysitter arrives. She barely looks older than Chloe, but she assures us she is eighteen, certified, and more than qualified, so despite my visible nervousness, we walk out of the hotel and down the street to a restaurant called Civace. When we walk inside, the place is dimly lit with lanterns and candles, and clearly designed to be a place where romance blooms. I glance over at Pierce and he is trying not to make eye contact… just looking straight ahead for the hostess.

When she finally arrives, she looks a little embarrassed. “I’m so sorry for making you wait! Reservation?”

“Cochran for two.”

The woman immediately begins fussing around, nervous as a hen. “Oh, Mr. Cochran. Thank you so much for visiting us tonight! We’ve reserved you our best table, and a bottle of our most delicious champagne has been chilling in time for your arrival.”

I try and hide how impressed I am at all of this. Pierce always had money, but when we were kids, no one treated him like he was any kind of big shot. And then later, before our relationship ended, he never took me anywhere. Like, ever. We spent all of our time sitting in his room, playing video games and eating bad take-out. It had been like we regressed into children in a way we’d never been before. But now… it feels like we’re grownups. Even though we’re merely friends now, or employer and employee, there is an easiness to our time together that, even in such a short time, I already appreciate deeply.

We sit at a booth in the back of the restaurant, and within seconds, waitresses are bringing us champagne, and plates full of gorgonzola cheese, marinated figs, fresh honeycomb, baked eggplant with ginger and chili sauce, and bruschetta with confit aioli. I’ve never seen such delicious food in my life, and it takes all of my willpower not to start stuffing my face right away. But Pierce looks nervous about something.

“What’s going on, Pierce? Why did you want to come here, without Chloe?”

Pierce takes a piece of the bread and carefully spreads some of the cheese and honey on it, as if trying to delay the moment. Finally, he takes a long, deep breath, a long slug of champagne, and steels his shoulders.

“Arie, that meeting I had today. It was with a major new client, and they have requested that I take over their account full-time. That means…” He takes another slug of champagne. “That means I would need to move to Auckland. Permanently. Well, as far as I know anyway.”

I feel sick. Terrified. Alone and afraid all at once, though I really have no reason to. He still has no idea that I’m Chloe’s mother. He has every right to move anywhere he wants with his daughter, at least as far as he knows, or as far as I am allowed to be concerned. But there is no way I can tell him the truth. Not until I am sure that the Cannizzos are going to leave me alone for good. So, all I can do is nod and try to force on a smile.

“That’s amazing, Pierce. What a wonderful opportunity! I’m so excited for you and Chloe.” The words practically stick in my mouth. I’m surprised I can get them out at all. But Pierce rolls his eyes and reaches across the table.

“Stop pouting, you nerd. I want you to come with us.”

My jaw drops, probably for the tenth time today. “You want me to what? Here? Why?”

“Because. I’ve known you for most of my life, Arie. And now that you’re back, however fast this may be, I want you to be a part of that life again. I’m a better person now. I know it. And I think I’m ready to earn your trust back. If you’ll give me that chance. Even if it’s just as friends. I don’t want to lose you again.”

My whole body goes numb. “Pierce, I don’t know if I can just pack up and move to a whole new country. It’s easy for you. You have money, a job waiting here. But for me…”

Pierce leans forward with a serious look on his face. “Arie, I know something is going on for you in New York. Something bad. And it’s damn well time you tell me exactly what it is.”


Arie’s face goes completely pale. “What are you talking about.” It’s not a question.

“You know exactly what I’m talking about, Arie. You didn’t show up at my door, looking for a job, just because there weren’t any other jobs in New York. You could have done anything. Why did you come to me? Tell me what is going on with you.”

She sighs and runs her hands through her hair. She looks so grown up, in a way I never imagined I would get the opportunity to see her. Not to mention so fucking beautiful that I find myself getting aroused.

Get your shit together, man.

“I don’t even know where to start, Pierce. And I don’t want to tell you everything. I can’t tell you everything. Not yet. But… the crux of the situation currently is that I own a ton of money to loan sharks that I can’t pay back, and, well, they are threatening to kill me.”
